Tp invincibility POLL


Na you shouldn’t fix problems with the game if they’ve always been there you’re just a scrub if you die instantly on teleport. For anyone who’s stupid yes that’s sarcasm.


I see tp invincibility would save live than game breaking exploit


game breaking exploit > save live


I think there should be a small moment of invincibility after you teleport. Petey’s death was very unfair, because there was no way to prevent it other than not teleporting at all. Labs are a pretty rare (in my opinion) dungeon to find just by killing flying brains, and it has decent drops, so most players would teleport to a stranger calling lab. Even though you could just not teleport to anyone and face little risk, imagine the benefits of being able to teleport with little risk. Maybe the invincibility can be abused, but I’m sure deca can find a way to balance it.


Just set if you TP over X (maybe 70 tiles) while in the realm you get the short immunity period.


Have you seen Protted priests like @GHZD’s? I would NOT tp to one of those :wink:


Really subtle tag there. Noice


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