Tradable UTs/STs/LH Tops (a new benefit to earning fame)


Interesting idea, I wonder if that would actually work


Pay to win just turned into fame train to win


I have over 72000 account fame, so 2000 really is nothing (when Deca sell stuff for fame I tend to blow a few thousand on whatever it is just for the hell of it). Fame is easy to get if you want it, rendering the cost pretty pointless, and making the game more grindy and dull as fame trains become common. All in all a terrible idea.


That’s the point though. Giving people who have been playing the game for a long time the ability to buy UTs if they want to. And don’t take the 2000 fame on the image seriously. I just needed a value as a place holder. It would really be up to DECA’s discretion to decide actual prices. The point of this is that it removes the ability for RWTing to occur with these items.

Other than you calling the idea terrible based on the placeholder value, what else makes it terrible?


DECA probably doesn’t want to give players more reason to fame train.

See: plans to rework fame bonuses


I can tell that this idea was very well thought out and planned, and it’s a good idea, but let me make a suggestion.
How about, instead of all of this, let’s just make UTs/STs/LH Tops purchasable in the nexus, for a very large/unfair amount of gold? It would make more money for DECA, and more money means more content, and more content means new items, and those new items could also be sold, which means even more money for DECA! :smile:

Let’s see how many people actually take this reply seriously. I actually do really like this idea though, but it would just give even more people a reason to fametrain, and those who fame farm would have an advantage over those who don’t. Other than that, good idea, I like it! :slight_smile:


There are fame training bots—they just follow the crowd, soak up the fame, and suicide when they hit 250 base fame (when the fame rate drops off) and repeat ad nauseum. I’m sure the RWT shops would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to sell duped UTs again.



I like the idea of some sort of barrier to prevent mass trading. However, I don’t think fame would be the barrier for the job. Getting fame is incredibly easy with fame trains, so making it cost 5000 fame to trade for a UT would be nothing for RWTers who invest a considerable amount of time in the game.

Furthermore, the fame cost would bar off a significant portion of the community from ever trading UTs. The majority of rising players spend their fame on upgrading a pet; they simply wouldn’t have the fame left over to buy a UT item.

I think you have a great idea. Blocking off RWTers with some form of a regulation is an excellent thought. However, the grand flaw in your idea is basing it off of fame. The majority of players would not be able to benefit from this system. I can only see the concept of using fame to trade UTs as being a greater incentive to fame farming and killing off characters. Additionally, the fame cost wouldn’t be terribly hard to overcome for fame farming RWTers unless it was some absurdly high amount. But, as previously stated, such a high cost would only serve to bar off the majority of players and, ultimately, would render your system as a means for RWTers to make more profit (especially since they would presumably charge more for the associated fame cost).

I suggest looking into other methods than charging fame to trade UTs. Perhaps limiting UT trading to once a month would work, but then again, this alternative is not wholly satisfactory.


Because it makes UTs tradeable, which would make them far less interesting and special. The main beneficiaries would be RWT sites who would suddenly be able to sell everything. It would make fame trains, one of the worst features of the game, suddenly much more popular.

The problem you describe in your first paragraph is one of the best thing about UTs. If you get a rare UT it prompts you to play that char. Maybe not immediately but when a slot next opens up. If everything was tradeable there would be much less incentive to play all the classes. You could just pick your favourite and buy all the UTs for it.


It’s easy to get large amounts of fame without playing the game for very long. People can just fametrain to quickly obtain the fame necessary to buy an item they want, instead of actually farming dungeons/events/bosses to get said item as a drop. This would give the game a much greater grind aspect than it already has, and it wouldn’t be quite as enjoyable then.

How about giving LH/event bosses a chance to drop 1-2 tokens, and you could trade a large amount of those tokens for a slightly weaker version of their UT drop/s. For example, maybe you could trade 90 or so Cube God tokens (they would stack ofc) for a CDirk that has nerfed stats (98-201 damage, lower projectile speed, etc). Don’t take these numbers seriously, I just thought them up on the spot, you get the point.


fame training out of da roof


That would make the game pay to win -_-


That’s the point.
I was clearly joking, I even said so in the post :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe if fame wasn’t exploitable


I think this would be a great idea if fame was reworked to more closely correlate with real game play as opposed to farming for the sake of farming.
This would also solve the problem of people doing way too many of a dungeon and not getting the UT because they are too unlucky.


but i love the idea


Tradable UT = no profit for deca = deca not approve


There are several huge flaws to this.

  1. This doesn’t encourage active game play. What I mean by this is that you would literally have so people sitting in fame train all day and all night, farming up fame. The fact of the matter is that everyone wants those coveted UTs STs and LH Tops and added to the fact that fame training isn’t very dangerous, you pretty much have a 100% chance of getting whatever UT or ST or whatever it is you want. This lowers the amount of players in realm, which in turn might affect the people who do want to do something besides mindlessly run around godlands in circles. Sooner or later, everyone is going to have a ton of fame, UTs, STs, and maybe even high level pets, just because they did nothing. And we know that UTs are really rare so you’re obviously going to charge a high fame price. This of course will only lead to people sitting for longer hours in the fame train.
  2. Defeats the purpose of running dungeons. Let’s face it, once we max a stat, the only reason we keep running a dungeon is to get that coveted white bag. Rotmg is all about grinding dungeons until you get that coveted item. If you now are able to trade UTs/STs/LH Tops, there is no point whatsoever to running dungeons since you can just buy whatever you want. This devalues a key aspect and major driving force for the game and players.
  3. Too many loopholes. As mentioned above by several people, fame is on hard to get, and fame training is rarely puts you in a risky situation that might kill you. Hackers, dupers or whoever can easily use bots to fame up characters and then dupe the heck out of such rare items. This of course as we all know drives the value of rare items down.
  4. Defeats the purpose of UTs, STs and LH Tops. It just really isn’t the same if you’re able to trade UTs or even STs. I know some people might say this gives lower level players a chance to get these rare items, but it doesnt help at all. Being low level means you’re inexperienced, which will mean you’ll die easier. This will only cause them to sit for hours more in the fame train, giving them little experience learned.
  5. DECA loses out big time. Remember back when people were outraged at the ice tomb not dropping certain whites, or were dropping them at a really low rate? Well the point is that people are really really dedicated to getting rare items, and when people get those rare items, they no longer buy keys, loot potions, or packages in order for a chance to get coveted items. Let’s take LH for an example. LH has some of the best equipment in the game and there are numerous discords dedicated to running LHs in order to get that equipment. If you’re now able to obtain stuff from LH by trading, people no longer will run LH, which in turn cause people to stop buying LH keys which are probably a profit for DECA because of the key price. So this pretty much puts a nail in the coffin.

TL;DR: Bad idea. Period.


So a trading tax payable on UT trades.

I think it’d be naturally logical step to also include an alternate for-gold payment, since if someone wants to pay Deca’s bills via trading then why not let them.

It’s an interesting idea and well-written but won’t fly because regarding sb/unsb, people are either:
a) sb fundamentalists, so will hate this idea by definition;
b) unsb hippies, and these freedom-lovers would not be masochist to enjoy the thought of forced fame training 12 hours a day to afford the items.

There wouldn’t (I imagine) be support for this idea because if the majority of people from both these groups are against it, that’s gonna leave not many people left to get behind it.

This idea is really a solution to if the game was drowning in merchers, since spending all day trading - they’d just run out of fame and be forced “oh no” to actually play again! But that’s not really a problem compared to other things in Rotmg.

Unfortunately (as others mention) anything that uses fame as currency is going to cause a surge in famefarming & famebotting and that’s not healthy for the game, if to compete you feel “pressured” into shady methods just to keep up with the demands of permadeath to replace lost items. Leave the game running overnight on hacked client and “yey” in the morning you can afford a Jugg. Nope to that.

What if instead of fame payment, it was some direct disappear into æther out of the traded items as a tax. Or you have to put some item in a 9th slot for “payment” instead of the fame tax. Would that work? Probably just too complicated, and having a Deca NPC who you could do UT trading with would be simpler.

One thing - you don’t mention ST items which are lest we forget untiered, would they be subject to this? It’s still a huge irritation to me that Etherite, Pixie, ST tome, etc. are tradeable while other untiereds remain locked.

(And complete disclosure: my personal preference is simple full unsb and rebalance the game)


i mean its a good idea but deca would never add it so