Treat others how you want to be treated


And then you realize they’re leeching off of you and not returning anything.


So if I want to be dragged on, I should drag someone?

edit: Okay just killed a 8/8 pally, thought he was a hacker at first :joy:


If I was being a complete moron I would want people to treat me like shit so one day I may not be that moron I once was.


Well jesus if this is the improved version i sure as hell don’t want to see the prototype.


That hurts trofy :frowning:


in game, or…




Migration is still possible.
I tried some random emails that might have played rotmg at some point in time (, not gonna disclose exactly what that something was to not be blamed for someone’s mail being hacked.
Even if you enter the wrong password, it still opens this prompt, letting you migrate the account, then it says Incorrect Password.


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