Trivial Issues Thread


It’s definitely supposed to stack with armor break, and it’s definitely supposed to stack with armor pierce against enemies. On players it’s more debatable, but I personally think it shouldn’t stack with pierce on players. I understand why they made the decision to have it the way it is though.


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Forums are dying… :pensive: -Book

or the game has no issues!

Yis yis, certain other mod, this game’s issues are no longer merely trivial… -Book


trivial issue: the forums are dying :frowning:


Nothing trivial about that… MrEyeballs source of sustenance is at stake!


Mr Eyeball now (totally) realizes the repercussions of all those sacrifices. There’s no more offspring to sacrifice. It takes time, and it takes effort on we, the forumers’ part.


So, an actual trivial issue that probably only annoys me.

The Moon Nildrop does not work how its described. Here’s it’s description:

Affects allies around you. Buff your MANA and WIS for 5 minutes or until you leave the area. Nildrops can be combined to provide particularly powerful effects.

Emphasis on “Affects allies around you”.

Now look in the xml:

<Activate amount=“150” duration=“300” stat=“MAXMP”>StatBoostSelf</Activate>
<Activate amount=“15” duration=“300” stat=“WIS”>StatBoostSelf</Activate>

This Nildrop doesn’t actually affect allies around you, it has ‘StatBoostSelf’ instead of ‘StatBoostAura’ on both of its stat boosts. Compared to the other 3 special Nildrops, the Moon Nildrop is the only one that doesn’t affect allies around you, even though it’s description says it should…

(I sent DECA an email about this but I got an automated response…)


“The game is already open:” aka @Henrckboy nvm it was someone else
whats up with that? Occurred twice

Oh it must be GameIsOpen, although idk how that happens. Is he an admin?


Happens due to a little trick where the game, as I understand it, simply replaces certain terms with full strings; in this case, it seems that the The game is already open! message - which is displayed when pressing play again in the launcher after the game’s booted up - is tied to the term GameIsOpen.

For convenience, the game “translates” that shorter string to the longer, more descriptive one…except that also causes bugs like these to start appearing, since it apparently doesn’t have any filter for where the shorter string is used.




I noticed that 4 times last I was on. It’s come around again /:


*Greaterhosen, as it says on the item


Trying to only have guild and whispers chat on as per the tooltip does not work. This clashes with the Player Chat toggle option tooltip:



…What is oom? (oh wait… is it out of mana? but why…?)


Doesn’t ddocks have a guaranteed troom?




fixed now!


Sent a pm to Baragon about this a while back and it got fixed a couple updates ago.


A super trivial issue! In the blacksmith UI there’s 2 buttons: sort & search, but a few pixels left of the search button there’s a hidden “button” which shows a highlight, but doesn’t do anything when you click on it.

How did I find this? I don’t know.

I already sent this to Baragon a couple of weeks ago, but I just checked and it’s still in the game. It feels too trivial to send another message about it lol.