Uncovering Tiles Fame Bonus [Answered]


Hi, I was just wondering how roughly how many tiles would be uncovered by fully running around the main road in a realm, and how many times you would need to do it in order to achieve Explorer/Cartographer.

I was also wondering if there is any method at all to check how many tiles you have uncovered.

Thanks :slight_smile:


For the amount of tiles needed you can look here: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/fame-bonuses
And the only method I know of to chck how many tiles you have uncovered is with muledump.


i would say you would need to do it about 3 times because it did it twice on a level 12 rogue but i still didnt get the explorer fame bonus


I think you have to be level 20


Level has nothing to do with fame bonuses tho.


For some of them, like accuracy, you need to be level 20 to get


That makes no sense to me, but okay.
I’m just gonna test that real quick to check


i leveled it up to level 20 after that


You need level 20 for most fame bonuses except for well equipped


About 250.000 per round according to this: http://anticosmic.blogspot.de/2012/04/fame-farming.html


Just tested this on a couple of maps, doing one lap of the outer road nearest the beach. It will of course vary depending on which world you are in.

World 12 (the star shaped world) gained me 216 792. This might be one of the shorter roads due to its fairly regular shape.

World 2 (more of an odd shape) gained me 286 643, it’s one of the weirder shapes so that might put it near the top of the range.

So the number 250 000 quoted on @Anticosmic 's blog seems a fair average for one lap.

Explorer is granted for 1 000 000 (so this would be 4 to 5 laps of the outer road).
Cartographer is granted for 4 000 000 (= somewhere between 14 to 18 laps depending on which world).

Muledump will give you a guaranteed correct count of your travels. **Remember you’ll need to nexus after every lap to clear the minimap - because it only counts as explored when it changes from blackspace to uncovered on your minimap.**


Thanks man, time to max speed :open_mouth: