Undead Lair Event Chest (Aug 14th to Aug 20th)


Well… just take the cloak off before the last enemy.

The solution isn’t always invisible.


I just tested it out and the reward chest spawned just fine. One thing I did notice tho is that the traps don’t activate when you are invisible, making it even harder to clear them.
Are you sure you got all of the traps?


Why would you need to cloak to clear a dungeon?


Tip: if your hunting for traps, don’t uncloak and sit on one.


You and your puns disgust me.
But will do.


So you do get brutally bombarded by a huge group of shots. Also slimes.




Learn your slime tactics.
Step one:

Step two:
Predicts shots like
Traces shots like
Step three:
Acquire kill.

How do I prevent being dragged on when I leech?

Or you could just do the easier way…

Step one:
Equip your.

Step 2:
Sit in one place using your and shoot those and .

Step C:
Walk on a and .


If you’re an 8/8 rogue im not sure why you need a cloak to clear.


Unfortunately, some people just haven’t mastered the art of dodging…

which is why they only play knight or a class that they don't need to do much dodging with


so you can shoot without being shot at


I’m sorry dude but that comment makes no sense.


Same, just tested deliberately left one enemy alive, cleared the rest, then cloaked to kill it, and chest spawned fine.

Seems likely you’ve got a trap left missed somewhere (it took me+another player about 4 laps to find one - they can be pest to find).


Unless there’s no UDL event going on and you’re just rushing to the boss. In this situation, the traps can normally be found right under your feet.



Amazing consistency :smiley:


I cri


Yeah, my pet is too high level and I never play Rogue, might be why I didn’t get it at first. I’m so used to the mantra “cloak is for rushing” that I didn’t question it.

But even so, you don’t really need to cloak all that much to clear a UDL. The only two types of room where that might save your life is vampires and slimes, and even then you just need to kill the majority of them during the cloak, not all of them.


Kind of like how I forgot Priests heal everyone and not just themselves.


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