Unpopular Opinion on Hackers


haha I get it because it’s funny! :joy:


Try an USW2 shatters and you’ll see for yourself
Also, whenever a new update comes out, it is quite interesting how we would lose half of the raiders joining void or cult runs.


I’ve finished USW2 Shatters multiple times, and that’s without hacks.


There are tens of thousands of players in the game, less than 10 known players are capable of soloing MBC or rushing halls, at least those that recorded themselves doing so, and less than 5 have done it petless, no one has ever rushed a hall petless, and pet or not, it is impossible to solo a void, and you still calls pet OP?

OP or not, clearly you might not seem to understand the fact that pets are the number one thing worth spending your money on in the game, and it supports the game financially, people might chose to be F2P, I don’t know if you are, but if you do and refuse to get your pet up then that’s your problem not the game. And I have known some F2Ps who got their max legendary or even divine pets previously, they did spend a shit load of time grinding for that.

“Everyone knows pets are OP?” Says who? Since when? Can you show me a poll or something like that? Again, I argue that pets are worth for what you spend to get them, be it time to grind fame or money for gold. A max divine pet will take almost 1 million feed power in total, or possibly even more, I don’t think something is OP if it is quite costly to obtain.


And are you sure no other people had hacks?

Multiple times, huh, I wonder, how many times is that out of the total you did?

I have also finished about 3-4, in my total time of playing on the server, for which I have entered about 50-60 of them, and every time I’m forced to leave because everyone else nexuses, there was this one time where I actually decided to stay and so I rushed 3rd switch and soloed 2nd boss, took almost forever and it was quite intense, as I was a mystic, not a fun experience, and definitely not worth the time for the loot, I chose to not solo 3rd and instead left to do some raids.

The few times where I finished it, one time there was a verified rusher from the shatters discord that was in my group, the other time we had only 4 people left and were all white yellow stars that were good at the game, the other 2 times there were people who I saw were shooting through the walls

You might recall your experience differently as you might have better luck than me so might disagree, but that’s just my personal experience over 2 years playing on USW2. And I’m sure that there are countless people on the server who’s never made it to the 3rd boss before, ever.

And all those shatters that I completed were this year, where better players have actually started playing on USW2, unlike years ago when you could hardly see a yellow star and much less a white star on USW2, but now you can spot a purple glow occasionally lol.


Not just high efficiency practices lol, but I do recall during a shatters weekend chest event, each shatters was literally over-flood with 100+ people, and there must’ve been a fair amount of hackers because everyone just ran through the middle and the whole thing was just cleared, literally, I recall that was 1 year ago before they added the dungeon cap. Now that’s how you steam roll a shatters lmao


Alright, alright, you can always go make a poll on a thread or something and get data there- saying that “no u, ur wrong” is not going to get you anywhere

EDIT: Poll: your stance on pets

BTW, that poll is 3 yrs old now, so… might want to make a new one exdee


I started playing back when the Shatters were just an unofficial idea on the forums.

I don’t think I’m still at the point where I’d have to run more to figure out what’s wrong with it.

Again: that’s not a defense of hacks, that’s a condemnation of Shatters.

All that time wasted on tangents and you still can’t make an argument worth a damn.


Doable ≠ Fun
I’ve explained my reasoning why I found the Nest unbalanced prior to the Beework.
Additionally, I can’t really see how your given arguments form a clear opinion.
“Nest was doable pre-Beework -> so are petless runs, but both are tedious, dangerous, and take up lots of time -> therefore…?”

Also, it’s not kind of you to bring up something I was excited about and turning it against me.


Why would anyone sane do dungeons on a server mostly for trading though. What’s your point? Why are shatters in USW2 so important?


I hate the new Rock Dragron, way more dangerous and takes longer to kill. Not fun at all. The new LOD is a complete waste of time for the same old tired loot that never drops so why bother? A LoD event will just be a complete waste of time.

Frankly I prefer the old Rock Dragon and old Lod.

The Crystal Worm Quest (I had to look it up on realmeye) or as I call it the Fungal Quest. Takes forever even with a good size crowd and its fairly dangerous. Slows the realm closing down greatly and it seems to be worse now that Motmg is over.
The Fungal / Crystal dungeon is a long slog as well although I have not yet finished the crystal side yet. The combination does nothing for me atm but I was thinking that if I didn’t have to suffer through the realm Fungal quest to get to the dungeon it may be something I would be more interested in. Its the long combination of quest/dungeon that really makes me dislike the Fungal experience.


How do u do the small text so I can be petty


Here is a nobody telling a RoTMG discord admin and community person that he has no credibility… I really want this one explained.

You sound like one of the guys that got banned from the discord LOL


Cut him some slack, man! He’s just a whinny teenager who doesn’t want all his ‘hard work’ from playing this game undone by letting others get what he has. (Sarcastic btw)


Can we please go back to the actual topic?


I mean just because someone is a discord mod or a forum regular doesn’t mean they’re going to be right about everything.


Yeah back to the original topic.

I think Deca’s statement really says all there is to say regarding cheaters.

They know they’re out there and they have a plan to deal with them.

Personally I think that’s the best they can do for the time being.


I’m not defending hacks, nor am I arguing with you about anything, I’m simply pointing out facts lol, and how much players in this game has grown to rely on hacks whether they use it or not, pretty ridiculous don’t you think?

If you know what’s wrong then shouldn’t you have figured out? You can’t teach people nor tell them what to do, if they chose to screw up a pub shatters every single time then there’s nothing you can do to stop them from doing so…


Because it best represents how the majority does shatters, and it shows how unexperienced some players are, and how that mess up other people’s game experience more than using hacks, not defending using hacks or anything, but just saying, and USW2 is more than just a trading server, it is the most populated server in game, I played on it because a lot of my friends and guildies do, realms on the server opens and close fast which makes it easier to farm events. And also because of the time zone


Then just do what I did and stop bothering with public Shatts until it gets a rework.

Staying in a dungeon with cheaters is not relying on hacks. With how much time it can take to find public dungeons (especially rare ones like Shatts), most people won’t leave unless they really have to.

If anything, cheaters are more likely to fuck up the dungeon for everyone else because they feel like they can afford to, doing shit like dragging before 2nd boss or rushing 3rd.