Up To Date RotMG ShockWaveFlash File


Won’t be too elaborate, but running RotMG out of date appears to be a problem amongst some of us, as seen here.

Direct .swf download: https://realmofthemadgodhrd.appspot.com/AssembleeGameClient1516899766.swf
Version: X.20.0.2
You shouldn’t get connection issues with this, as it is 100% up to date. If you do, it’s probably your own internet.

Note: .swf files can be run by clicking “browse” in Adobe Flash Projector and selecting the respective file that is to be run. It can also be run on Windows by dragging the file onto the Projector.

Other note: by accessing static.drips.pw/rotmg/production/ and going down to the very bottom, you will see the latest release of RotMG. Updating your client manually is easy.
Take this link: https://realmofthemadgodhrd.appspot.com/AssembleeGameClient[insert the number denoting release version].swf and it should automatically download the file.

If you’re currently playing on browser, switch to Flash Projector. Framerate is noticeably lower, but there’s much less blacktiling compared to browser.

Download link for best versions of Adobe Flash Projector:
Flash Projector 13 -
Windows - https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/13/flashplayer_13_sa.exe
Mac - https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/13/flashplayer_13_sa.dmg

Flash Projector 18 -
Windows - https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/18/flashplayer_18_sa.exe
Mac - https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/18/flashplayer_18_sa.dmg

Connection failed!,retrying

Or could just use

Edit: lol


apparently some people have problems bc it updates slower. in any case, i’ll be updating this whenever a new release comes out.

also in my experience the standalone .swf runs faster than directly inputting the appspot link there.


Oh that’s interesting to hear, will try it to compare if I notice the game misbehaving any.


i mean there’s nothing glitch wise, i just feel that my framerate is marginally higher using a standalone file vs the online accessible one.

also it means i can load the realm client offline, not that it means much anyways :^)


sorry, realmeye.gom doesn’t work.


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