Update - The Shatters and a Bounty - Realm of the Mad God Exalt



These are all excellent changes. Shatters HP nerf + adding the guaranteed equipment drops makes it so much more rewarding to run and actually worth running. Also huge QOL changes across the board are always great to see. Thank you!


While in some ways I like the change to portal callouts helping to prevent spam, we now have the issue of once the person who calls the portal enters it becomes next to impossible to get to. Is there any way that a portal callout can teleport you to the portal that was called rather than being tied to the person who called it?


Or the callout limit is increased again when a player who called the dungeon out has entered the dungeon or left off.

Maybe alter the callout message afterwards as well, but I’m not sure if the game allows for previous messages to be edited…


Feels like a lot of these changes should have been made before shatters’ official release.
I distinctly remember the gargoyles slash attacks being too strong being brought up in the testing feedback section multiple times… So I’m surprised that it was only addressed this late. Better late than never, I guess.