Use the 45 or 0 degree rotation angle?


I myself use rotation controls for the most part. However from time to time I reset the angle for positioning during boss fights (i.e. the Pyrr/Skuld postion where most group up) or other things. I have up to now used the 45 degree angle as the default but I would want to know anyone’s opinion on which one is better and why. For example, if 0 degrees is better for rushing, has more uses, and so forth. I am mainly asking since I couldn’t find any posts about it on Reddit or the wiki.

P.S. I don’t use forums often so I hope I didn’t mess anything up horrendously.

EDIT: I’m now using 0 degrees as default now and loving it. However I still use 45 degrees when I want it to look nice. Also, didn’t think about my control setup, but it’s pretty nasty.

R- Nexus I F- HP I V- MP I Default Angle- J I Center Toggle- K. Because of this, I’m forced to leave my mouse when going to default angle, almost died to that a few times. But since its all ingrained in my muscle memory, I can’t change it.

But sincerely, thanks for all the feedback on my question, and I hope it has also helped others.

Looking for a decent guild

0 degree

It looks 100% better


0 degrees is pretty standard in my experience. It makes dodging a lot easier, since you can easily tell what’s hitting what. For example, there’s a reason that everyone fighting the avatar is at the bottom of the boss. They’re using 0 degree rotation angle. The game also consumes less memory and resources at 0 degrees, supposedly.


0 degrees is much better specifically for areas with lava. at 45 you diamond the tiles and take twice as much damage while running


Call me a noob, but I’ve always stuck with 45 degrees. It makes the game much more visually appealing in my opinion and it’s easier to see around certain walls. That’s not to say 0 degrees doesn’t have its merits as well, but I believe it’s a matter of preference and I hate it when people try to force one of them as being objectively better.

I also keep camera rotation on, although I only use it in certain situations like the Shatters or Tomb bosses.


I personally use 0 degree, because I like to move N/S/E/W without having to press two keys, and I do rotate a lot, but whilst doing abyss’ I don’t rotate and keep myself on 0 degrees, cause I find rotating redundant in such confined spaces, with so many twists and turns and U-turns and whatnot


I normally use rotation, but when I don’t, I align to 0°, mainly because that way it aligns to the minimap.

(Minimap rotation was only added recently, and I’ve been playing for so long that a non-rotating minimap continues to feel right.)


Thanks for what you’ve all said so far, taking this in I shall try out using 0 degrees and see how it works out as it is the most suggested.


0 degree has a huge performance boost for me. I swear by it.


I use 0 degrees with the off-center thing as Z (I think). I turn on rotation in Tombs or small Wine Cellars. I don’t turn on rotate in Shatters because I’m scared of getting confused while rotating.

Noob. :grin:


0 with rotation and offset. I have R set to reset back to 0 so I can quickly reorient myself North.


Same! What do you use for offcenter and nexus?


P, for perspective, and space for nexus because your biggest button should be your panic button.


Hmm, and do you use Shift + LeftMouse for secondary, or right click

I personally use X for offcenter, and Tab for nexus, because my pinky is always on it


45°. There’s a pretty neat trick with confuse controls and it’s best used with 45° orientation.


Pray tell, what is this trick?


With the way confuse works (instead of simply mirroring keys it kinda turns them clockwise and then mirrors only two) it’s possible to not get affected by confuse if You’re walking using S+A or W+D (because after switching A becomes S and S becomes A, while W becomes D and D becomes W).

And with 45° orientation in most dungeons You’d be walking along the paths this way (though only the vertical ones looking from 0° perspective, horizontal paths are still messed up).


45* no rotation centered camera master race

Been that way since I started and it’ll be that way till i quit. The only time I ever toggle offset is as a sin in WC and even that makes me feel dirty.


0 degrees much easier, no real advantage with 45

First like given to you?

0, I play with rotation so there are some times that it’s 45 but um no, I like it at 0.