Using huntress atm, any tips using this class?


I rarely use huntress since archer exists. but since I literally have a full set, since I have the davy trap, I still need to know my ways of getting actual loot. I have the reskined covert bow with 7% fame, and cbow, no dbow yet. And I believe that the davy trap is an amazing ability to use, since fast arm time and high damage. So good, in my opinion at the moment, that I was able to max +10 def after that character is alive for like less than an hour. Any recommendations on what equipment to get next?


Why are you making bow classses if you don’t have a dbow.


cbow, and 7% fame bow. and Davy trap literally made it really easy to get loot, since I know how to time my ability use. It does 650 damage, so it basically is 1 dbow shot.


Definitely farm undead lairs and get a doom bow, as it’s one of the most useful UT bows for both archer and huntress. A pyra isn’t terrible on huntress either, coral trap is very useful in many dungeons such as mad labs, shatters, etc. Armor isn’t as important but I’d recommend anything that gives you more dexterity or defense as huntress is a squishy boi.


True, but, but mah 50+ hp from armor. I can get ubhp if I want, I can sell my soulless for life pots.


Oh, the armor gives you hp? In that case just keep it, that’s pretty good.


?? It’s a leaf hide… Of course it gives hp. Did you think it was the snakeskin?


Forgot leaf hide existed.


Use archer is my only tip


Tip 1: Don’t use those items on a 1/8. 6/8 is preferred, but at least max Def and Speed.

Tip 2: Farm UDLs to get a Doom Bow, which will help you in a lot of places. An example being dirty Tombs, which you should do afterwards in order to obtain a Ring of the Pyramid (more useful for Huntress than an Expo in my opinion). Then try and get a CTrap, and buy a T6 Trap if you haven’t already. Leaf Bow and TShot are good items but you don’t need them in order to have a good character.

Tip 3: Don’t spam your Trap, use it only when it’s necessary.


I only partially agree, my last 7/8 huntress with over 2k base leveled up with a similar set xD


Tfw you never had a pyramid. And the last tomb where got a white bag was a Nile and a prot


Just because you’ve never had one doesn’t mean you can’t get one :wink:


You should think ahead of the enemy to play her accurately. Practice a bit and get used to throwing your traps. Afterwards, think about the best way to make use of those traps, such as piling them all together for high burst damage.


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