UT Art


Looks great!


Damn, these are good.

Have a like, good sir.


ohh so that’s what that fire dragon pic was for.

I didn’t say it then but I’ll say it now, it looks kinda like Pyrr is trying to wear the armor, and he fails miserable at it. comparing it to the other 2 helps a ton though.


Yo man do a collab with me! Check out my art here --> http://realmlantern.tk/
(click “Envy’s art gallery” when you get there)


Sound’s fun, perhaps send me a message over realm eye so we don’t spam the forums.


Oh, I see what you mean, would never even have noticed. I guess I’ll have to be more careful with that


##Skull of Endless Torment


dammit curlip, why’d you have to go and activate my artistic experimentation mode?

oh well, here:

to those who don’t recognize the monster or the scepter, go here.


I guess I’ll do it, too.

If you don’t know the enemy/sword, check out this thread.


is this going to be a trend!

i would join… but my graphics art skill is that of a grade 2.


I sure hope it will. I love this sort of art and image manipulation.


that yellow doesnt match your picture! looks even weirder than proasd!

yeah its a good change from the 8X8


To be fair, I had to get used to Orange for a while.

Yep. As much as I love spriting, “Photoshopping” (I hate that term because there are other programs that are just as good, yet free) is really interesting and fun, IMO.


I hope so, just the concept looks great, makes me feel weird to have started doing it first.


##Seal of Blasphemous Prayer


Don’t know why but this feels like some kind of Rotmg movie poster…


it totally does


You’re right it really does,

Seal of Blasphemous Prayer, coming 2020.


##Tablet of the Avatar


Every iten haz a story to tell. :smiley: