Vanities and their uses


So I was in an abyss today, and noticed someone using a Silex hammer. It’s a vanity sword, but they didn’t switch off.

So what are the uses of Silex Hammer (and for that matter, the other vanities)?
The bear sword from bnexus is semi-useful for dragging in the godlands or circling in tombs. I’m guessing silex is kind of the same.
Krathana has high range but really low damage. Maybe useful in dangerous, low sb damage places.


Not useful, probably just for fun.
The same way I always use Sprite Wand and Honey Sceptre on a Sorc when I’ve maxed Attack and Dexterity.

Nothing special about it, just makes the game a bit less boring sometimes.


The only good vanities are carrot spell and bunny helm. Spell is fun to use with some nice dps (inconsistent though) and helm has good speed boost. Everything else is either a low tiered reskin or just bad.


As long as you have a decent pet it’s really easy to rush an abyss without a functional sword. I’m guessing he was just having some fun.


I usually swap to Krathana vs O2 when there is no stunner, as even with its bad dmg I think I end up killing him faster.
I also used it vs Beekeeper in MG Mayhem dungeons during Motmg.

I tried using Hammer but ended up ditching it for Csword as it wasn’t effective trying to lure enemies into the shots, as I was usually standing in Csword range to do that.

The only other ones I carry at the moment (edit: guess technically reskins not vanities) are:
Cupid's Adoration
because the shots on both are highly visible & contrast with my usual weapons, so I find them good for certain Chest scenarios, depending on the ground colour.


When Nevov has use and room for vanities yet doesn’t use backpacks, I question my basic competencies…

It’s kinda implied in the name that vanities are useless, if they weren’t they be called something other than vanities. Not including reskins, most vanities biggest use would probably be showing off.


Well just saw that the MGM vanity whites have a 6% fame bonus
So that’s something to save them for


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