Wand Quick-swapping


I was messing around with Bulwark a bit this morning and having a ton of fun quick-swapping on and off of it during the repeated short invulnerability phases lots of dungeon bosses have (especially cem).

However, I started to think about it and wands actually have 3 good quick-swap wands for brief downtime in fights:

  • Bulwark The classic; best used like a weaker void blade, but you can less effeciently use it from up to ~4 tiles away.

  • Soul’s Guidance A largely overlooked wand which has seen a little more attention recently. The least reliable of these options, but also probably the best of these for solo play thanks to not only damage over time, but a chance to curse. I’ve experimented with this one the least, so I’m a bit unsure of its potential

  • Wand of Geb The sleeper. No one talks about this item, but it has the potential for some pretty insane burst damage. It fires a delayed 4k+ burst (16 ~250 damage shots that [I think] scale w/att) on your location on a short delay every 5s, perfect for quick-swapping in places like Osanc. Another note is that these shots boomerang, so you can do it especially early and still hit them all if timed well (or, if nothing else, you have two opportunities to hit the burst). For reference, without factoring attack, EP deals ~875 damage if all 10 shots hit. And you usually see balls deep wizards hit 2-3 shots on O3 before backing off*. A single burst from this wand should deal more [damage] than that.

This all being said, why do I never see these swapouts on wand classes in high-efficiency/ speed runs? None of these are especially hard to obtain (bulwark is as free as EP). EP is a fairly common swap, especially in Osanc, and it is well known that wand classes (namely summoner these days) can compete for top damage, so what gives? Am I missing something?

*I am still quite the novice when it comes to pre-EPing, but I’d like to do it more, and maybe practice some on prot priest.


I don’t think that bulwark is all that great for swapping since once the shot hits the boss in an invulnerable state, it won’t be able to damage him later on again. Soul’s guidance is amazing to stack of souls during it though, and then they will continously damage the boss once it is vulnerable again. I LOVE this wand.

Wand of Geb also seems very powerful, but it is a bit harder to pull it off

I do think in the future we will see high efficiency players rocking atleast one of these wands as a swapout


If you really care about optimizing efficiency, you probably wouldn’t bring a wand class anyway unless you really wanted to just get exalts in which case it’s more of just a side thing


Respectfully, this isn’t 2019 anymore. Have you looked at the dps charts? Here’s what I got giving max buffs and adding duality +Att to all:

As I said I consistently see summoners and sorcerers competing with wizzies for top damage (and I almost always see a stacked summoner get top on O2). Lumi is a little tricky to handle, but I think a big part of the edge wizzy has is the pre-EP I see everywhere.

I had forgotten about this detail! That at least partially explains that.


Soul’s Guidance is not that good for quick swapping as its effect builds over time. You generate the Souls slowly but they hang around for a long time – 8 seconds. So you are doing maximum damage after 8 seconds of using it. Less than 8 seconds and you are not using it to its full potential.


@WaterPower Our bulwark cult is slowly gaining members and we don’t even have to do anything. People are finally realizing the absolute unit of a weapon it is without us telling them. This is a wonderful day! Huzzah!


wat? REALLY?!?!


Also OP, I have yet to understand why, like you said, …

Maybe no one does number crunching in rotmg? Or its just that they already tried to, but no one could execute the strategy correctly.


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