Wandering priest bot


Unfortunately I think the drop in fame was a suicide, because the bot has 25,000 account fame. Nice work though!


well since this priest gains alot more fame than me each month i started to work too :slight_smile:


Why are we counting out the possibility that its just a dude that likes running around on the road :eyes:


its a bot from the ROTMG events discord (aka tracker)


I can confirm they’re notifier bots from talking to the creator, and the fame is just a byproduct from constantly killing any monsters in range of long periods of time.


Autoaim. I tried dragging on one and it was very disappointing because it killed about half the enemies then autonexused


I just wanted to post this:

I hate this game.




This topic will close 2 months after the last reply.
How come this thread is missing the phrase at the bottom?
You managed to necropost 4 months later. Explain your necromancy, Tim.


It’s because the topic already closed, then was reopened; the reopen doesn’t put a new timer on automatically. I’m minded to leave it to see just how long these [redacteds] are allowed to go on.


those are fame farming bots, check their history


i see this all the time and when i drag on it, it ‘autonexuses’ (is it hacking???)


You are right, I do like this game fundamentally. As in, I like what the game is at its core, and I think it has a lot of potential and is really fun.

I hate what Deca has been doing to the game.


Personally I think the core was lost a long, long time ago.

I love what Deca has been doing to the game since the sundering.


I read the title as “wanking priest bot” and was mildly disappointed xd


it wasn’t wanking, was it?


Shouldnt this be closed?


Closes in 6 months in some categories I think


No, the autolock goes away if the thread is closed and reopened


kek :slight_smile: