Want free items? [Random floating thread]


Put out the Google doc of the dungeon I want to finish it


It’s so painful seeing one of my closest friends in realm quit this game ;n; (yeah some left too when I left realm for a while but I wasn’t there ti say good bye :c)
It was so much fun when we used to play together back in the day, I even joined Regen just to be with you again ;w; but sadly you left and I was alone once again :c even tho we barely talk these days I’m still going to miss chu ;n;

Anyway, about the items, a raffle seems like a good idea since everyone will have the same chances to win something or a Q&A as Nevov suggested :3


give stuff to all the forum regulars


but… but… but… what about fallen regs!!!


i plan to do a christmas giveway concept, each winners gets one of my alts. ill also do a contest for all the stuff on my main.

[quote=“Glawi, post:20, topic:14871”]
even tho we barely talk these days I’m still going to miss chu ;n;
[/quote]yeah its ok, i havent talked to anyone really. Msg me every once in a while.


Scorchmist’s Giveaway and Contest thread link (posting to tie them together on the forum): Giveaway and contest


I’m straight btw.

</3 don’t make me cry more than I already have.

You know what, I’m gonna force you to play rotmg with me over thanksgiving. I’m probs gonna be inactive because uni > rotmg but yeah, still wanna stay in touch with people’s.


@Scorchmist I shall honor you in all of your final threads, farewell my friend.


I’m happy you’re quitting :frowning:

@ moderators I’m being bullied here pls ban


ok sure if we end up meeting i might.

never played with someone else before.

@Niegil :heart:


C’mon Scorch, it’s not that hard. I do it and I’m still at university, probably will be for a long time now. Even if you don’t want to discuss RotMG related topics, just pull an Efnu and live on #off-topic.


not sure where i said it, but i do plan to stay in the music forum game and anime thread.

But ill tell you a bit more about my program

So if anyone knows canada’s scoring system it has a max of 100. dcent universities need like 82-85, good ones are like lot 90s. and the super hardcore ones filled with asians and middle-easterns are mid to high 90s. Usually my program has around like a 95 average admission, but i got a 91 avg but somehow made in probably due to luck and my good extracurriculars. Also this 91 is from going to a small school in a small city, if i was in some big city like Toronto (biggest city in canada), then i would probably have significantly lower avg. But universities dont look at demographics too much. Meaning, i would get killed. Also its a double degree, which has a great rep of being dropped out of due to difficultly, but i dont plan on that.

Its not like i have absolutely no time, but i also enjoy doing other stuff and have realized that rotmg shouldnt be such a big part of my life. i am terrible at balancing, im a all or nothing kind of guy.

Further more, i have lost interest in the game, i explained it…here\


Yeah, I can see why you feel burnt out. Frankly, I’ve been going up and down too. Even made a thread 'bout that somewhere.

Honestly, right now I’m preserving the rotmg spirit through the knock offs, like [redacted] on mobile android. Reminds you of your fresh first days, you know.


Ah well, looks like you made up your mind already.

Well, good conversations we had this past year. I mean, the ones where I understood what you meant.

But if you really feel like leaving, do yourself a favor and go. Always a bummer to see someone that added interesting points to conversations say goodbye. I wish you the best.


haha, i didnt really join in on interesting conversations.

But dont worry, i plan on going.


To all of you reading this, play this in the background on loop while re-reading the threads


aye do a contest that makes people work. For ex. design an irl 3d model of something in rotmg, or write an SAT style essay about something in realm.


You could donate them for my channel ;3 or tell me what you are going to give away and ill upload it on yt @Scorchmist


This upsets me rip scorch


i want fre itens because i am poor…
ples give to me.