Website and flash mem


i noticed something strange. if i go on the main website, the mem starts to go up but it starts on 268 mem.
when i go on flash it starts on 760 mem. how do i make the mem. go down for flash?


Memory is platform dependent from what I understand. It’s different for steam as well starting at about 50-70 then having issues from me personally around 170-220, but overall nothing you can do about memory issues due to issues with flash, other then maybe upgrading RAM or something of that nature. So for now, until the game is ported all you can do is refresh your client to reset memory.


Yes, it varies widely by platform, which means Steam vs. Projector vs. Browser but also which browser, which OS. Not just Mac or Win but also whether it’s a 32 bit OS or 64 bit OS.

Flash is meant to guarantee the same experience on all platforms. But how it achieves that varies significantly, due to differences in those platforms.


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