Weekend Quest Events - LoD & Parasite Chambers [Apr 12th to Apr 16th]


x-post from https://www.reddit.com/r/RotMG/comments/bccxq3/weekend_quest_events_lod_parasite_chambers/



So no LoD rework?
Well, alright.
The joke’s that I’m leaving with just my laptop for some family happening today. I can still try to play Realm, though badly •~•


Ummm so no rework?


No rework?


I find it funny that I have never gotten anything good from one of your fancy goodie bags


Pictures over words.





Insert obligatory “accurate picture”


Got clover :sweat_smile:


praise the lord, Parasite Event = ez fame.


for that you cross out everything except dyes and mystery pots



Okay actually, I’m kinda pissed about this now. Deca seems to be taking a lackadaisical attitude towards this game. I actually do have a lot of better things to do than sit around and play RNG simulator this weekend.

Deca is to the point where they’re joking about their thinning fanbase. Yeah, the majority of people who are sticking around are simply addicted, and you think that’s a humorous situation?

Where’s my Unity port updates? Where’s the LOD rework? Where’s the Shatters rework? Nest rework?





Main menu graphic for this one makes it clear it’s all about the marks:


The ‘storyline’ on this event does seem especially slapdash.


Sigh…Another Mark event. I’M UNTHANKFUL > : (


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