Weird Things you've done/Weird Things about you


not really, but i know tons who do

  • I have a weird hunch when I walk so I’m tilted slightly to one side
  • I rewatch anime a lot for hours on end
  • I’ve never gotten above a C grade on a math test
  • I don’t like ice cream
  • I’m over 6 feet tall and like 150 pounds but I can’t beat my 40 pounds underweight friend in arm-wrestling(I’m weak as shit)


I have a slight obsession with stuffed animals (am boi)





-Eaten 3 pens
-shot a toilet with a rocket launcher
-Stabbed a watermelon with a knife 64 times
-thrown a coconut off a 21 story building
-make puns to myself
-rubbed a dog on the tail
-eaten crocodile stuffed in alligator

btw I have more…but that’ll be later


ehh that one sounds interesting.


-When i was a child i often had visual and sensitive hallucinations(such as seeing people seemingly made of water walking through home)[my parents were worried]
-my friends banned me from playing yu-gi-oh with them because i have lots of luck with card and board games
-once ate a '‘fish’'cake made from alligator tail…tasted like fish and chicken
-i tried to make lemonade for my parents as a kid,and then i knocked over the blender and the juice fell in my eyes.i still feel uneasy when using those things.
-my breakfast everyday is a cup of milk chocolate with powdered cookies


before i play video games i always turn on discord and make sure that i respond to every single message towards me and if theres something new posted in a discord, i have to look at it all. same with skype

  • Dissect a bird cropse
  • too personal shit


I obsessively wash my hands, I wash them about 50 times a day.


That sounds really unhealthy you should get that corrected. Especially with that height + weight.


I have hyperextended joints.




Jack off 12 times in 1 day.


Welp…that’s uh…that’s something lol.


Do you jack off to @shatter?


Good one


Amazing. Don’t you ever get tired?


It’s just going to create so much issues when you’re older but w/e.


I cam swim