What about bots?


Hey, legit question here. It would be great if you would reply
I need to know what you guys are doing about the RWT spam bots and PM bots
and maybe even hackers?


[Moved to Game Discussion, as this has nothing to do with Open Testing. OB]

Official Thread: Polish and Balancing

The thing is they could just make another bot when the previous one is blocked


Changing chat rank requirement to 10


This was split off from the main testing thread started by Krathian, thus the strangely worded OP.



When a player first plays the game… what do you think is the first thing they see? 20 bots spamming their RWT sites, do you think that welcoming is appealing for a new player ? Do you think they will keep playing? I surely wouldn’t.


Nah dude they love em





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