What character should i play?


Here’s me top:

  1. Wizard (pew pew, destroy everything before taking dmg)
  2. Priest (never die, awesome selection of uts)
  3. Warrior (arguably the “best” class but there’s it’s not as much fun imo. fat loot is always nice. has some very nice looking sets)
  4. Sorcerer (not a common choice but very well rounded and a nice selection of uts. always a fun class to play although objectively not the most powerful. very dependable)
  5. Trickster (probably the most fun to play but dies far too easily. decoy is extremely useful for higher-level dungeons and is lowkey op)
  6. Necromancer (fat loot and very safe. can be a bit of a hit or miss in terms of healing but is always fun to play. sometimes the tiny decrease in damage compared to the wizard bugs me a little)
  7. Archer (lots of damage and lots of uts. the reduced range compared to staves pushes him a little bit down. it’s not much but I just do enjoy the extra safety a little more)
  8. Knight (while I do appreciate the easy loot and lack of death, I just don’t him a very fun class to play. the random instakills aren’t that fun either)
  9. Assassin (decent damage and very safe. his ability limits him a bit but it’s also exactly what keeps me using him. can sometimes be extremely squishy)
  10. Mystic (potentially super useful and lots of fun, but I have to put it down because of so much trolling potential)
  11. Ninja (high damage but at the cost of range and a sort of lackluster ability. Still fun but too much high-risk play imo)
  12. Paladin (I know a lot of people say it’s the best class but personally i haven’t used him in like 2 years. Just wasn’t a big fan)
  13. Rogue (not really my playstyle and I found him a bit boring. Others say he’s the best farming class but I prefer more range and damage. shines alone obviously)
  14. Huntress (essentially an archer copycat so I don’t find much reason to use her. the ability is pretty much objectively inferior, especially in faster-paced gameplay)
  15. Samurai (nothing special and not worth using over ninja in many ways at all. just a poorly made and essentially useless class. when people say he’s well-rounded, it pretty much means there’s nothing about him that stands out and therefore makes him worth using)


Go to the guild hall and ask to Guill for a “Random Class”
He got you.


My list is

  1. samurai
  2. samurai
  3. samurai
  4. samurai
  5. samurai
  6. samurai
  7. samurai
  8. samurai
  9. usually samurai but maybe necro


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