What Characters should I Make?


I have four character slots and just died on all of my current characters. What characters are must haves for these now open slots?


use guill kthx

wiz is gut for farming, and the rest is depends on your items

or create warrior with gut roll and suicide it for @DreadDrake fre itenz


Wizard knight.

farm godlands with the wizard and drink every single pot you get from farming to max your knight.


#1 Knight

#2 Wizard (***replace with archer if you have dbow)

#3 Rogue

#4 I’d say probably Warrior 4th. Up to you though. Could do something interesting like mystic or priest.


As people said, it is good to have at least a melee and a wizard. If you’re able to get these two 6/8, then try the following :

  • A class to kill O2, either assassin or rogue, depending on your items and playstyle.
  • Any class you like to play, if you successfully maxed to 6/8 (or 4/8, it’s up to you) the previous classes. You could also make a backup character of your most-played class.

  1. Knight (to start running dungeons and getting pots easy)
  2. Wizzy (or as mentioned before, archer if u have a dbow)
  3. Assasin (run WC’s and get tops easy)
  4. If you know how to do shatts with trix, go trix. If u don’t know how to shatts, go maybe a support class (priest or mystic i’d say)


Wizard, Warrior and the other 2 slots are for whatever uts you get along the way that work very well with their respective class. For example, you get a plane (if you don’t have one), meaning you get a rogue. I mean you don’t really have to follow this principle and you can make whatever tickles your fancy, but Warrior and Wizard fulfill almost any role in the game, and either can solo any dungeon pretty well. Make sure you max which ever one you feel more comfortable with first, otherwise there’s no point in maxing it if it just dies. If you want, you can replace the warrior with another melee, but the wizard is a must have because of it’s sheer damage and range for late game dungeons.


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