What class is best for starting semi new


That’s very accurate except that warrior is the least safest of the melees. He should be for an expierienced player.


Gonna copy pasta my post from another thread.

“Make an unmaxed wizard on one slot.
Run 4 sprite worlds by dodging like a boss.
Buy whatever equips you can scrounge spending a dex on each item slot.
Run sprite worlds till the end of the world.
Sell dex for all the other pots you need to max your other character slot.
If you die, keep 4 dex in chest as backup. Remake your farming wizard.”

That’s basically what i did for three days till I got my wizard 4/8. And I played like three hrs per day maybe less.

Maybe preface that with a nice old fame farm to have some account fame to feed your pet.


I hit 4/8 in 1 day after i made my warrior. Does this make me a pro? ;3


You are whatever you want to be my friend.

Edit : I am talking about maxing atk spd def dex on a wizard. From literal scratch. No pet, no guild, no backup pots, nothing.


wizard is the best of them all

recently 8/8’d my ppe which didnt take too long


techiqually npe means new player experience, and new players can also find pet eggs around the realm. And his level 1 electric does…nothing…


I thought npe meant no pet experience


I thought quite the opposite, my guildies informed me that NPE can mean both New Player Experience and No Pet Experience, and I always thought PPE stood for “Pro Player Experience” here I am informed it also means “Pet Player Experience”

Either way, they mean relatively the same thing. One is more slightly more challenging than the other.




no pet shatts solo ezpz pro player


Personally, I wouldn’t put Pally, Assassin, OR Sorc in the new category.

Assassin requires a good pet, otherwise it’s DPS is lacking, and it has no safety ability like the Rogue does.
Pally is the squishiest of the 3 melees, and without a good pet, won’t be able to heal very much.
Sorcerer is not that good of a new player class, as it’s in a similar position as the Assassin is - without good MP heal, it’s DPS is lacking, and is similar to a priest without the heals.

I’d personally put Archer in the new category, the point and click paralyze is strong.


Don’t tell me tell them! You’re talking to a 6/8 necromancer here.




If your just starting use pally because it has a high survival rate and it still can get loot


It’s not vanity unless it has savage >;o




I’d say sorcerer for three reasons

  1. He has great range and decent dps

  2. He has (in my opinion) the best godlands farming capability

  3. Really good survivability and just a fun class in general


"Wittle Zwaps"
That is amazing


Priest is great of course, one of the highest range and healing
Wizard also good range with spell bombs for easy sb dmg qualify

However I’d say assasin is the best for starting up.
I always farm up so much on assasins and ability can also get easy sb dmg qualify while being considerably easier to hit than spell bombs.

Personal opinion that is


Not without a pet.

Your pet is a 70/70, and heals 17 mana every roughly 2 seconds.

With that pet, you’re able to get a 3rd poison off relatively easily.

If someone is starting SEMI new, like the OP, who has a pet that’s a 50heal/41mheal, the mana that he’s getting back won’t even be close to how much you’re getting.

Makes assassin a little less of a good choice when you can get 2 poisons off with maxed mana.