What class should I attempt to get to 6/8 first?


I have been thinking about getting a character to 6/8 for some time now, and I think I may be able to do it. I have started to farm for pots but I am unsure of what class I should max. I want a class that would make it fairly easy to max other classes with. I am familiar with most of the classes abilities and can use most of them fairly well (cant use a trickster or mystic very well at all).
I am also having trouble getting def potions so if you all have any suggestions on how I can get def than please tell me.


with good pet, maxing paladin to 6/8 can make you rush stuff so easily. i.e. abyss
with standard pet, maxing rogue to 6/8 can pretty helpful. when you run out of mp, clear the room you’re going to regen with.
with bad pet, wizard is the choice

tl;dr : wiz the best


My first 6/8 was a huntress. But now that I have a couple 6/8’s I would probably pick a melee as they are the most improved once 6/8.


My order is Wizard, then Knight.

I just favor recommending Wizard, because it’s a safe bet without asking too many questions and knowing too much about the player. Wizard is safe, powerful, and flexible. It’s an all-around good class for any situation, be it Tomb, Godlands, or a Dungeon.

Knight is not as well-rounded, but it does have the ability to farm pots fastest with more consistency, but only if you stick to doing a specific list of places, and avoid places likely to get you killed.
For example, a few years ago, a buddy suggested for me to build a Knight, and to NOT do events. I didn’t do any events, and only did dungeons like Labs and Abysses, and it had to be the most pots I’ve gathered up until then, and the longest-living char. for its time too. I was able to insta-max my next char. with some pots to spare (WOO-HOO!).

This was before Shatters came out, well it should go without saying nevertheless, but STOP DOING SHATTERS lol


Knight. Glands farming becomes super casual, you can rush most dungeons with ease, and you really can’t die unless you’re stupid.


Max a Necromancer. This was the easiest class for me to max when I was less experienced with the game. (Got a 7/8 Necro before I ever had a 6/8 character.)

This is because Necromancer is a cheaper class to max and that he is relatively safe thanks to his ability.
(I have no idea how much more it costs to max the Necromancer on average compared to other classes after the Necro buff, but I’d argue it doesn’t matter because the 15 attack only helps.)

Only farm Godlands until you max defense. (Sprite Worlds help out a lot too.)
Slime gods and Beholders drop defense.
Once you are done with your defense you will have probably maxed Speed, Attack, and Dexterity in the process. If not then you can easily buy these potions with the extra defense potions you get.

You have four stats maxed, what now? You can either A, continue to farm Godlands and trade potions for wisdom potions, or B, do the Mad Lab, Undead Lair, and Haunted Cemetery dungeons for wisdom.

The Necromancer needs very little vitality to max so this is the least of your worries.

This is a lot easier said than done when starting from scratch, but it really is a lot easier than doing it with other classes. His superior range and healing ability help out lots. (Also, playing Necromancer will help ya be a better Mystic player in the future.)


Archer. Attack is a bitch but the other stats are super easy. If you don’t have a dbow it is okay, if you just want to get a quick 6/8 this or a rogue are going to be your best 2 options because their caps are lower. Also Warrior is pretty low except for vit and att.


I agree. You have to try to die on a knight in order to kill one.


I play Priest a ton but I don’t exactly play this game with other people either so that’s who I would max first


Um, a warrior? It has the most (practical) dps in the game and in medium to large groups devastates event gods even when un maxed, competing with some maxed classes reasonably well for loot. Compund this with speedy and semi high defense whoo boi war is one hell of a char.

Tl;dr bssically warrior would have been master race char if pet never came along.


If you wanna get lots of pots, I’d go knight or paladin. Wizard is great for doing stuff in groups, (can get SB from long range) but not for soloing dungeons. Knight and Pala are just a bit safer and easier than warrior




Guill has spoken


Knight life is the only life! Not only is he Tanky but once you max him you can farm for another class !


Thanks for all the responses, I think I will try to get a knight to 6/8 and then an archer.


My easiest to max is Paly, since you can max it because its defense isnt very high, its attack and dexterity are almost an insta-max, and you can very easily sustain it. A class that can heal, have high DPS, and has good defense is a class I take any time! Not to mention, there are lots of Paladin skins, for those who do events or spend money on Realm!


Knight is a good choice too, just Knight is kinda hard to max b/c of the high def. Archer is amazing, since it has the ability to get loot on a boss (range/high DPS) and chests (high DPS). That’ll help you boost your pot income. The knight, mainly farm UDLs with (dbow) and godlands, and if you see an abbyss, only go for it if you know how to “safe-rush,” which is just clearing every room, but quickly and efficiently. Another reason why paly is good, its hard to get a paly below half HP with rare+ pet w/ mheal.


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