What class should I put wyrm on?

  • Huntress
  • Trickster
  • Assassin

0 voters

title is self explanatory


Assassin won’t be close to the enemy, hunt has so much range that it doesn’t need the +1 def. Really, trix is the only option.


To me, the light armor classes need defensive priorities in the order of:

  1. Ninja
  2. Trickster
  3. Assassin
  4. Rogue
  5. Huntress
  6. Archer

So I’d go with the Trickster. Up to you though.


any class that takes hydra


Which ever you think it makes the coolest looking set for OR if you hold that wyrm with VERY HIGH value then just put it on your favorite.


Huntress if you really don’t want to burn it.

Trickster too, just whichever one you like better.
Assassin is good with harle


Where is the option: “throw it in your vault and carry on using csilk or spectral or leaf hide or nil or beehemoth or cupid or harle…”?


I have most of those except nil and leaf and gay ass cupid


To be honest, the difference between each leather armor is negligible, so just equip wrym on the character that would have the sexiest set.


So you don’t have all the good ones?


Cupid is gay, nil is pretty pointless and all lod whites except damn sullens evade me


Boi wut


? The extra def is dumb and -2 dex is not good it’s basically a worthless leather cc


depends what uts you have
if one of your characters is more boosted than the other ones (in terms of uts) use it on that class

but if its all the same to you id use it on huntress


D:< defense is important on leather


Not really, most are ranged or don’t get in close. The only one I could see using it is trickster and POSSIBLY rogue.


I’d definitely slap a Nil on a Ninja.

Edit: Oops, didn’t really mean to bump this. I was just shooting from the hip.




Accidental bumps are always fun :wink:


It’s the only viable class to put nil on.