What details big, small, or a precise lack thereof do you appreciate about RotMG?


hmmmmm lemme think about it…



i appreciate the pots from guill


Are we sure about this - I thought it was if the player who did the most damage nexused that Oryx calls out “coward” in the same way that in-realm events sometimes don’t call out a player name (though I didn’t get much chance to test it, cheatspellbombers always seem to get the callouts in the small WCs I’m trying to find :-/ )


Might just be that the time it did seem like I got the last hit in, I also dealt the most damage.
Or it’s just that Oryx saying “crucial blow” seems more like “last hit resulting in death” than “most damage dealt” _(•u•)_/


Yeah I think that’ll be right. Despite the “crucial blow” wording sounding like it’s talking of the final hit, the playername called is definitely the one who did the most damage corresponding to the % shouted.


An oldie-but-a-goodie : killing the native sprite gods in the sprite world for the incredibly high chance, all things considered, of an atk pot. If you don’t already have 3 mules/vault chests solely for atk pots and 100+ mys pots in vault, it’s a really simple/fast-ish way to max atk on a trix.


I appreciate the artists of WildShadow and the time they put into all the sprites, dungeon aesthetics, etc. Mustve took a lot of time


I’m pretty sure Wild Shadow bought a license to use the majority of the sprites from an artist, I doubt they would have had the time to make all of them themselves considering they had very little time during the competition in which Realm was created.


@Literature @Zaryl they didn’t pay, a lot of the sprites came from a contest.
I came across this article about RotMG a few days ago, you can give it a read.

“The contest was split into two parts. In the first month, artists created a bunch of art with no particular game in mind. In the second month, programmers took only the art created in the first month and created games using it.”


I like how deca has a samurai zombie in Bonegrind’s horde.

Samurai Zombie

When you kill Malphas in abyss, if he dies over the lava walkways, this will happen:

The sprite is very slightly different than the path that would form over the normal lava. It’s a bit more cobbled to reflect the stones in the lava.

I don’t know, I just like how it’s such a small detail and someone took the time to make a separate sprite that barely anyone would notice. It’s so unnecessary and I love it

edit: here’s a better example:


At first I thought you were just going to say something regarding the formation of lava when Malphas dies, but I never really saw that the sprite was different! 0u0


I appreciate… Camera rotation. it allows you to move soo freely, and it allows you to move in curvatures and circular paths that are otherwise impossible using just AWSD, realm in all honestly provide the truest control in any game, and even better , in a bullet hell game. every single game that i play nowadays feels less controllable, and feels bland, you just keep looking on the same plane, while realm makes it feel more 3D , and more real than anything ive ever come across .
I also appreciate the mad god cloak, it needs more recognition, people keep treating it as a bad cloak for its lack of lenghty cloaking time but instead you just have to use it as a jugg, the cloaking is just the frosting on the cake.


Yeah! It surprised me too, I just noticed it yesterday. Do you know who made the sprites for abyss? I want to know now


I can tell you it was out in Build 79 (Feb 2010), though I don’t know who the exact designers were.

From the wiki:


Some of the small bugs with ninja are somewhat useful. You can use speedy while quieted, speedy without holding space if you shift click, and being able to launch out 2 stars in quick succession by holding space and mashing it again after releasing.


Is that first one a bug (speedy while quieted)? if it wasn’t for the other ones I’d be convinced it was by design.


I appreciate that the Horror Maw, an enemy with a cool-as-fuck and unique attack pattern, is immune to Stun. The Walking Horror, an enemy with a cool-as-fuck and unique movement pattern, is immune to Paralyze.

Parasite Chambers best dungeon, 10/10 (seriously though, aside from the little bitches that blow up on you and delete your health bar, this dungeon has so much thought put into it, and has so much going on).


it’s actually exactly the same floor tile as everywhere else. what makes it look different is that the stones placed on top of the lava aren’t removed when malphas removes the lava tiles upon death. the stones on top of the lava aren’t actually floor tiles, they’re separate objects placed on the floor that stop you from sinking. what makes those floor tiles look different is that the rocks that would normally cover up the lava are now covering up the regular floor tile. since they use the same color palette, it’s hard to distinguish the two sprites which makes it look like one whole sprite.


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