What do u want my pfp to be?

  • a picture of Prince Marth pls!!!

0 voters

@SoloSen and every prince marth fan ever in the entire world.


Just use a picture of Prince Marth, he’s awesome and it suits you perfectly. I’m a fan of Fire Emblem in general too.


30 PM




oh god its so going to be embarrassing D:


How!? Have you even seen what others are using? You can’t go wrong with the prince of Altea


ugh ok fine :frowning:




also give a reason why u like the pfp


all these noobs are saying Prince Marth but the real geniuses will say genderbender Lucina


Alternate between all the Fire Emblem characters with blue hair except Marth then say you don’t see the difference to any FE fans calling you out on it. Guaranteed trolling success.


Lucina = Marth (cuz smash clones)
Marth>Lucina tho


ok and the answer is no, because idek who prince marth is, and the poll says so.


I’m not going to beg you for your own profile pic.


just wondering.


do this


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