What do you believe are some issues with RotMG?


Wlab jump phase absolutely reeks.

Boss can go to center of room and pretend that it’s about to do the leafs attack but then it can unreactably decide to jump instead and instapop you. I’m still salty about it.


the fact that chat only goes back so far and so do recent commands. I just missed a trade from some fella named “kuuradaas” or “kuuramaas” which would’ve been a really good trade but I couldn’t find their IGN because recent commands and chat just stop at some point. No reason that this should be the case.

I’m kinda pissed rn and I can’t find their IGN.


I just did a tomb with one other person and got 0/3

I’m furious. Deca please improve.


That alone pinpoints other issues like godland dungeons guarantee pots for 2 dudes.

A weird way to tackle this would be: on naturally spawn dungeon (anything that drops stat pots), everyone gets pots assume they secured SB. Meaning something like 50 man UDL (that drops from Ghost God himself), nobody is getting zero. Dungeons via keys will get hardcapped to guaranteed for 2 realmers.


The rates aren’t that atrocious for 3-5 players. From my experience there’s a decent chance the extra players will get a potion. In Sprite world it doesn’t feel like it gets below 75% chance for a Dex until like 6-7 players. Since this dungeon drops all the time and is quick and easy to run, that’s fantastic.

Other dungeons that haven’t been reconstructed are probably really bad though. I haven’t thoroughly checked. I remember the frustrations of doing puppets which are moderately rare due to leviathans being rare, so there would always be like 5-10 people and even with trooms I’d walk out with 0 fairly often.

The updated content so far appear far more generous than previous versions. Potion collection isn’t as bad as it used to be but certain dungeons like Ocean Trench and Tomb which used to be exclusive potion sources, have actually been really stingy this whole time. So it’s not uncommon at all to see nobody in those dungeons when they used to be packed.


Once did 8 tombs in a row during a 1.5x event and got literally nothing besides mark, tomb is a very old dungeon and it shows


that i got 3 escutcheon blueprints and no other bps from o3


I think you should be able to exchange unwanted BP’s using O3 marks. Not a major issue but gud point.

I have a new issue with RotMG regarding the new class.

This has been cleared up regarding how the class works. However, this does create a new issue that I was not aware of:

The DECA team is incredibly frustrating to handle things with. Everything being mentioned and talked about, or even suspected, could have been cleared up from the beginning had it not been for all the dodging around just showing some examples, or even giving a brief explanation on how the ability worked. Instead, I got directed to 2018 sheaths, and told the specifics were not relevant when the specifics were the only reason I was suspicious.

That’s the only reason why I even said this:

I was trying to get a definitive answer about it being stolen or not, and to have some sort of reason as to why it was not stolen, but I got thrown through even more suspicion rather than my suspicions being cleared up. It almost felt like I was intentionally being dragged through the sand rather than actually helped.


mfs really think they own the dash and shoot ability


Allow me to clarify even further.


(This is the same Damian that leaks a lot of content to the RotMG Subreddit.)

Main post has been updated.


How old is your design? This mechanic was one of two considered for the Samurai. They had both a rush + the slash mechanic on testing, for people to try. In the end I think many people thought rush broken so they went with the slash mechanic of the current Waki.

The Samurai has been in the game for more than three years now, so the rush mechanism is older than that. I don’t remember it having the other features such as invulnerability, just burst damage. They’ve clearly worked on it a lot since then but it still seems broken.


The exact design here is from mid 2020, with the charged part of the move being a bit earlier than the dash. However, it is important to talk about Sheaths in this instance as it is not a simple 1 2.

Toastrz pointed to this as well. Sheaths from 2018 were nowhere near what was being shown currently, and nothing has been shown publicly between 2018 and the trailer. In 2018, it was simply a teleport up to 2.125 tiles (or some oddly specific number) away from the player and an AoE attack on self that was 6 squares or so.

While definitely a weak attempt at some sort of dash mechanic, it’s nowhere near enough to look past what it is today with the reasoning “it was always this, you’re just being pompous”. It’s oddly specific for something like Prod, which has done no sort of charged mechanic as of yet as far as I’m aware, especially in the exact manner Damian describes.

But this is also why I say we’ll have to wait for Public Testing. I specifically talk about it being almost exactly the same due to all the specifics that are being shown and mentioned looking and sounding almost exactly the same, but without a hands-on demonstration (or just a proper explanation from someone who actually worked on it, cough) it’s not going to be clear.

And, of course, after checking the specifics (obviously through a video) it has enough different factors to be enough of a difference where my suspicions are quelled. It was incredibly frustrating to have such horrible reasoning from Toastrz and what I can only assume are other members of DECA’s team though, who were incredibly unwilling to show how things specifically worked and were trying to dismiss the fact that specifics do matter, or point to Sheaths and say “this has been around forever, see?”. I was indeed not entirely correct on it, but I had perfectly valid reasons for suspecting such after the behavior displayed.

Main post has been updated.


So your ‘old’ class is from 2020. Long after the Samurai was added and so the first version of this mechanic was in the game, though on testing.

I know what was being tested in 2018 was very different from the now. That though is just normal iteration. It seems likely they’ve been working on this for a while, as a Samurai variant, as the other features of the class, katana and heavy armour (not robe as many people assumed) are the same.

The dash mechanic also exists in other games, and in ROTMG as an enemy behaviour – the Jade and Garnet statues e.g. or the Murderous Megamoth. So no, your idea is neither original nor new.


Am I talking into an echo chamber here or something? I even explained in the main post (which is why I added "Main post has been updated.") the exact reasons for my suspicions, and they are summarized in the post you’re replying to. Hell, I even directly say:

It was never about the dash itself, but the exact way it fundamentally worked.

Maybe if I worded it poorly or didn’t make it clear from the get-go I’d understand what you’re saying, but I feel I’ve made myself very clear here, even from the beginning. I specifically talked about the functionality being almost exactly the same for this reason.

I was incorrect, yes. I’ve already mentioned that I was. But the reasons are there(and if I really need to I can provide the exact conversation that happened with Toastrz and some other people), and despite making them clear, it doesn’t feel like you noticed them being mentioned.


It is very bad practice to change your posts once other people have replied to them. It just leads to confusion and makes the replies hard to make sense of. Then to carry on arguing as if you are right, despite saying now you were wrong, further muddies the water. Frankly I can’t make sense of what you are arguing about now – and I doubt another half dozen paragraphs will help. If you have issues with DECA take it up with them. If you have a point to make more generally then better to start a new thread.


I have to mention that the link in the main post is gone now. please bring it back if possible.
if not, CURSE YOU.




Just for you.


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