What do you hate in RotMG?


Ok im confuzled, but im ready to end it




Abyss treasure rooms.


I hate running dungs or events but u won’t get creepy white


You wanna know what I hate?

I hate it when I’m running a sprite and some hacker clips through the void to the boss.
I hate it how valentines have not ran out even though there has only been a limited amount of them since they stopped being sold.
I hate fucking dupers.
I hate dupers as well but fucking one is worse.
I hate it when people can’t take a joke.
I hate it when I’m at Oryx and yell “Open or I’ll shag ya mum!” and get accused of hacking because people think I can see into inventories.
I hate it when I’m trading and someone tries to barter my price.
I hate it when I die because I am trying to ignore RWT advertisers.
I hate it when the game lags so bad you see enemies that have rubberbanded all the way from china.


also special snowflakes, dupers etc.


People calling me a hacker because they tought i was walking on black tile but it actually turned out they were just lagging :rolling_eyes:


The Game.

ok I hate lag
I hate reddit
I hate immature people that tend to go to places like reddit
I hate racists/people that do insensitive jokes
I hate every dungeon but the abyss and sewers
I hate anything message with “lel” in it, especially with “xd” and also with "ppe"
I hate rotmg ppe videos, so not creative
I hate memes
I hate “reeeeeee…”


and you hate if someone replys to your comment with “lol”?


You mean the community?


What do I hate about RotMG? Oh boy am I glad that you asked. Although I love the game, there are a plethora of things that I hate about this game. So strap in bois, this will be a long list (not in any particular order).

(1) People who follow you - I don’t know about you, but if I’m farming dex, wis, spd, etc, I like to solo. It’s faster, easier, and I’m guaranteed a pot (with a chance at a white). But from time to time, someone will follow me (more often than not a knight) and steal all the loot.


(3) People asking for OP - Honestly…if you do this, you’re an idiot. Why would anyone trade you when they can get a better deal from literally anyone else?

(4) People asking for donations - I donate alot. Pretty much anything between T8 and T10 will go to my vault or backpack for a donation spree at some point. However, I do NOT donate to those that ask (the only exception is daily quest items). But when people ask for donations, especially specific ones, and then get mad because it’s not what they wanted? Just…ugh.

(5) Every single Urgle ever.

(6) Constructs. They never die and constantly poke you for damage, especially when you’re trying to fight off more dangerous gods with more dangerous shots.

(7) Here’s an odd one - Pets. While I think pets are great for staying alive and are pretty fun to have, there is no denying that they have minimized an enormous amount of risk that made the game so exhilarating in the first place.

(8) Hackers - If you hack, please, please, please fuck off. If you aren’t good enough to play the game normally, try , i don’t know, getting better? You know, instead of fucking with the game? Please.

(9) The spam bots in Nexus - We all know these fuckers. Every time I load up realm, the first thing I do is block every singe jumble named wizard and every bot. But that still doesn’t solve the problem, as now they’re whispering to us! Deca plz.

(10) When RealmEye is down :frowning:

(11) People not respecting the price guide - A few days ago, someone tried to buy def off of me for spd 1:1. For real?

(12) Real World Trading/Duping - Thanks ruining the stability of the economy asshole.

(13) LAG (basically urgles) - yep.

(14) Fame Training for White Star… mm.
tl:dr - urgles, urgles, urgles, urgles, beggars, pets, bots, hacks, urgles.


players considering bazaars completely public and a dungeon opened in a realm that is clearly trying to be opened for certain people public, the intention of the opener is obvious and your “it’s public” “then don’t open it in a bazaar” excuse is pathetic, you’re still being a shitty person crashing what you know is something people don’t want you to be in.

when i’m sitting with my friends at a restaurant don’t just come up and sit down by me and say “mate it’s public fuck yourself”.

I actually invited the last crasher I came across to my discord voice channel and he joined, unlike what I thought which was the person would be decent and somewhat civil person through voice I was wrong the guy had a shitty mic and was nothing but insults on insults, it was honestly pathetic.


People asking about what I hate in Rotmg


What? Never heard of that one


unfortunatly I cant tell you which one I mean




I also get really triggered when there are 2 or more sprite world portals and that one kid goes into the same one like you when no one is in the other one.


Your No. 2 is actually a good point in the game. It stops people from server hopping just to find events they want to do.
No. 7 I definitely agree with. The game is so much easier now because of them. You don’t even need to dodge much anymore whereas before if you didn’t dodge you’d be waiting a while to heal back up.
No. 11 This one is definitely wrong though. Its called a GUIDE for a reason and prices change constantly. It also depends on the person, some people put more value on one pot than another.


#people who write in giant text are really annoying too.


You know what @Mynamerr? I agree. It feels like
you’re constantly screaming.

But back to the topic, I would say that my least favorite thing is the slight delay between hitting the enter key and typing your words.

It causes things like /ell name and message to appear…

or how about when I want to say something that starts with an ‘R’?

Oh look, my nexus key is “r”

Starts to type ready
Enter key does not register and so nexus happens
Appears in nexus with the message “eady”.