What Do You Miss About Old RotMG?


im not an old player, i saw a video


That old tiny nexus, so cuute.

Tfw hax are as old as Rotmg though (“god whip” being just some kinda of dex hack on Mithril Sword iirc)

2x rings strangely would give a fair bit more customisability on a character’s build than we currently get from armour+ring combos. Would of course be OP if just reintroduced as a plain 5th item since it’d be a flat out buff to everyone, but balanced right, it’d be nice to see that return.


Haha Nambiar <3

Holy hell 23k views on that vid. Gonna message him and try to get him to get on the forums.


What I missed from old rotmg would be either UT trading or Grave looting. :slight_smile:


How about swatsecone he was pretty neat.


A better non-toxic community


I miss multiboxers :’(


UT trading weekends, old nexus, no lost halls nest and other shit… Only oryx and shatters and tombs. No parasites no op whites that are impossible to get.


I miss how you could loot peoples inv when they die. Ahh, good times. Good times.


2 spd = 1 def
1 def 1 spd = 1att
1 UBHP = 6L
Acclaim = 3L
Acrop = 2L
Abby = 1M
T6 Prism = 1L


Lol at least we are better than most. Too bad a lot of us play csgo which rubs off on us.


With my account so close to 6 years old (13 days n countinggg) when I think of realm I think of all my old friends, the old members of the guild I’m in and when there was just tombs, and none of this other garbage. I miss uts being cool and tradable and I miss all the tombs. But the longer you play this game I think what everyone will miss the most is their friends who moved on :
I can’t bring myself to really play realm anymore and it’s because everything feels lackluster and easy and I don’t have any friends now to make the boring grind fun again

Now I just mark all my characters as dead and pretend to be bad and ask for donats to see if I can rustle anyone

fun game


O M G yessssss. Deca go back.


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can u see me? i actually miss how everyone used to actually work together i mean everyone only cares about personal loot these days

check above me


is this even allowed or accepted?




Same lmao I’m so confused


i only put the second one because it was a readily visible black line and then one more
< sub >
and it became invisible



Another thing I miss is the old npe thread on the wildshadow forums it was great really


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