What Do You Miss About Old RotMG?


i miss henez

henez ketchup


the days where i would store multiple sets for my archer as it was my most beloved class (and first to 8/8 after a few months c;). also some dude i played with when i started…we used to compete with each other on who will get better items and it was weird that i was always a step ahead…rock->hippo T9bow->t10 T3quiver->t4
one day he left…and never seen him again…rotmg was my only way of contact with him and i didnt even get to know his real life name.

-i also miss the days when murching wasnt a thing and you’d be super hyped selling a bbow for 3 def rather than 2 because people actually used to buy mediocre stuff, or when you’ve been farming for hours or days to get those sets of old tops/pots and just trade your way legit into an acclaim and feeling the satisfaction. rather than every noob now using an acclaim by farming 16 sprites and merching his way up into ORYX THE AWSOME SET just to put it on a knight lel xd and die with it in an abyss 2/8 dex spd


I miss white drakes being the only thing that healed me lazy bum. Oh and that class only used in lost halls… Priest I think it was called.

Acrop = 2L
Acclaim = 3L
Pixie… Did not exist
Coverts = Still nothing
4EP = Ogmur
JUGG = 2 Cbow???

I miss WIld Shadow… Deca is 10/10 but Kabam… shivers in fear Kabam was crap to us.


Getting an astral staff, being super hyped about it, getting an inc and getting hyped about it, getting any white bags so that I could sell it for profit, being extremely hyped about getting into WC since its literally a gold mine since those things are like 3-5 life pot each top, etc, etc.


They had a decent forum ;-;


Literally the only thing I saw that they did was the points system, I was about to get 100 I think in game gold, and after that, literally they didn’t do anything for a year, then DECA bought the game it went uphill there.


Playing on my craptop without fear of losing good stuff and getting raged at by my Skype group because I didn’t know how the Abyss of Demons boss fight worked.


Winter reskins for the entirety of 2015, who wouldn’t like that?


Thats it though, nice weapon reskins for old tops, and thats about it.


The feels when you use your craptop when you TP to someone then get shotgunned, but the lag is so much that the game doesn’t let you die immediately so you close the tab and get back in and see your character still alive.


@KRUCIALBOS that’s actually one of the advantages of playing on a poor computer - latency. :laughing:


one thing i do miss was during the kabam era, i played on the kabam website and i ha a chance to get 15 free gold. i didn’t know they were selling it until after they sold it. so i didn’t get 15 gold :frowning:

Mouse over to see SturkyUsed's comment.


There’s actually kinda a reason for that, I couldn’t just put … as a reply, so I put like 200 subs in there and put really in there, as it worked still, and the comment looked like it was the way I wanted it, stupid? Absolutely.


You can just use the <k> tag for that. It counts as text, doesn’t do anything, and suffices in the number of characters.

Everything about Realmeye Formatting
[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!

glass sword is the best sword hahahhahaha


being an idiot and spending $20 to buy t11 stuff because i was bad and then dying with it all an hour later


I miss things like ammys they saved peoples asses back in the day I wonder how useful they would be now since pets and new game dungeons are added


damn 4 eps for an ogmur that is a good deal and I think jugg woud be worth maybe 3-4 cbows


having 3 mules full of t9 wands
actually no having mules at all