What does a star mean to you?


Also a smack to you, use search please


Umā€¦ You wouldnā€™t know this because you arenā€™tā€¦ white star?

I think some light blue stars are the best players in the game.

NPEs are a true sign of "skillā€™[quote=ā€œBashii, post:1, topic:11202ā€]
Star does not mean game intelligence,

Intelligence is a dead word in RotMG[quote=ā€œBashii, post:1, topic:11202ā€]
I have spoken to some of the MOST brain dead people on earth who are yellow stars

clearly orange stars are the stupidest because ā€œOH NOES THIS GUY REPRESSENTS THE ENRI COMINOTY OF OGRENG STERSā€


Sorry papa shatter


Yeah, but NPEā€™s arenā€™t actually new players are they.


Comonā€¦ a white star with a max divine desending to the depths of no pet lyfing?

That should teach em how to dodge


Let me dispel that notion for you. Some of us white stars are dicks too. :smiley:


Amen to that :smiling_imp:


Go away Shatter you arenā€™t dick enough to comment amen.


Iā€™d say he is, but heā€™s a somewhat reasonable dick.
He isnā€™t usually a dick to people who donā€™t somewhat deserve it, but he can be one heck of a dick to the people he is a dick to.


Nah, itā€™s an act, heā€™s a big ol softie. And fun if you talk to him on Discord, heā€™s a huge personality.


Not saying I donā€™t think heā€™s a good person or whatever, just that he can be a bitch to certain people.


Yeah I just might call you a cunt in the first 5 mins of talking to ya

Iburnyou knows me better than u bashii :c


Noe I know u best ;-;


About stars? How? Whatā€™s there really to talk about though?


Probably about the misconceptions people have about stars.
But it can all be summarized in one sentence: Stars donā€™t mean shit.


No matter what star you have.

Your always an obnoxious player in some way :blush:.



And yes, Iā€™ve proven your point


What? Donā€™t you know all white stars are evil and should be beheaded? All are fame training cucks! Off with their heads!


b-but iā€™m whitestar and my account creation date is hidden because i made it 1 month ago and i fame trained to where i am and i buy all my items through rwt means but iā€™m whitestar iā€™m a god

