What does a star mean to you?


It means how are you good at realm… White stars… eh… some are sold accounts and some are not xd


yellow means u have my respect a lil tiny bit any other color means you’re a shitter


Hello I am an alt with more alts :wink:


Omfg I’m still mad
Literally I was saltier about this happening than I was about any character death

I accidentally completed one too many quests because I can’t count ;(

Truly the saddest day of my - admittedly average and generally uneventful - RotMG career.


Ever since my return to RoTMG after almost 5 years (returned on the wrong account and used steam instead of the website one. Forgot I had an older website account lol), I noticed, and mostly “Red Stars” when I was blue, that we’re judged based on our Star ranks?

I was a blue star for years because I had 2 classes that I enjoy the most and used. I didn’t care for the rest of the other classes and doing so left me with a “lower” star.

I have screenshots where they literally said that anything blue stars say are irrelevant LOL
And sadly this has happened so many times in so many instances.
Just yesterday at Ocean Trench, a rogue rushed to the boss but we had trouble teleporting to him and 2 people started shouting basically “Blue star ****” <— this and that etc. (insert every insult you want since it was spammed)

Another time, I was trying to buy a Deca and Pixie for 8 lifes. A guy traded me with both items and then rejected after I highlighted all my life pots. He then whispered,“Blue star. **** off scrub and get good first”

Even in-game realm chats people talk about dungeons and being told by orange/yellow stars to STFU when a blue star pitches in to give input on in-game content.

White stars are the ones sticking up for the blue stars and telling the red/orange/yellow stars to stop being whores. Not trying to judge as a whole but so far I haven’t seen an unrespectable white star since they’re the ones that stuck up for me and others lol

ONTO THE DISCUSSION: So what are Stars to you since it seems to be such a big deal to many in-game?

I used to be a geared nub who “pay to win” his gear because blue star with good gear is p2w.
But I famed trained for pet feeding and got to orange star in the boring process and now I haven’t gotten any disrespect for playing the game since.
In other words, I deserve to wear my armor, deserve to speak about the game, etc etc now that my stars went up.
I find this all to be so commonly stupid LOL what do you guys think?



######maybe because they were secretly blue blue star an ptrain to white…

Yeah i dont really pay attention to people who call blue stars noobs or stupid. There are plenty of blue stars good at the game and on the forums (@MessltUp :slight_smile: )


Entitlement. They believe your star level dictates how good you are, in most cases. To me, stars mean nothing since the fame train. I personally love blue stars because it most likely means they are new(er) to the game and it’s nice to know it’s still growing which is why I like talking to blue stars to give them tips so they can enjoy the game, not be told to ‘stfu’ or 'lol ignored.


I’d have to disagree stars are pretty good indicator of game experience. Pretty uncommon to see a bad player in yellow/white star. Not saying it isn’t rude to tell people to shut up thouh.



I’m a blue star, but all I have to do is host a giveaway:

No more star discrimination.


The big deal about stars? Well, they’re pretty big. I mean, have you seen the sun? We’re nothing close to it an we depend on it to survive, so I’d say it’s a big deal.

Screw you @Shatter, I’m the official reposter of that quote of yours. ):


Yo, f the police!

Start shouting too. But shout at them!

Whisper right back about how his mom is gonna make you good later tonight.

Yes you are - every line of the post is judgemental.

How long ago/on what build did you even begin playing the damn game? :thinking:

Same. Also adding random LOL’s in paragraphs is just uncouth.

I too have famed the train, but alas, was unable to rise above the menial rank of blue star :frowning:

Seriously though, just ignore dicks - you can’t change them, and they’re just not worth the effort.

And thanks @Septagram <3


Don’t remember ever doing the latter…

But yeah
We were all blue stars to start with.
I personally think red stars are cringy for… these reasons and… well…

But yeah

Saying red stars/orange/yellow stars are jackasses is like saying blue stars are noobs
It’s stereotyping.

Just do /ignore assholenamehere :wink:


I have rarely ever seen white stars standing up for dark blue stars. Most of the ones I see are hackers or assholes.




I would put you under the category of “Usually good, but sometimes bad, then again a lot of people could be put under this title so maybe it isn’t really anything unique but still its good and maybe this title is too long and I should stop”


I do feel like most people would be under the “Usually good, but sometimes bad, then again a lot of people could be put under this title so maybe it isn’t really anything unique but still its good and maybe this title is too long and I should stop”

Like pretty much everyone. Ever.



Not for me, since most white stars I see are my guildies

[quote=“Spixer, post:10, topic:12924”]
or assholes.


Maybe there is some deflected self-hatred going on, if the ones shouting the abuse only got to that rank by farming it in the train.


The shocking thing is, star judgements tend to be true 90% of the time. red stars are most likely super talkative 12 year olds in the chat, and so are light blue and blue stars, although you don’t usually see talkative light blues because they’re under your star requirement. light blues tend to beg for items, and so do blue stars, orange stars are a bit more mature, maybe 15 or so, and haven’t found the game on accident while searching for minecraft videos. yellow stars are in that phase where they think they’re superior, but otherwise aren’t that different from orange stars. white stars rarely talk in chat, and are either people who are addicted to the fame train, a youtuber, or someone that has played a long time and is more mature than 99% of the community.