What does a star mean to you?


umm, so ill just say my sterotypes with the stars

but it all boils down to what Shatter says

although, not sure if you can define people as good or bad?


one of the managers at a place i worked at 3 years ago put pancake mix in people fuel tanks, bad person


For some reason, I feel as if this was targeted at me.

And thats ok.


I don’t often play non-melee classes Since I don’t have any character slots or extra vault chests. Therefore I rarely go up in stars.

However I’ve opened over 50 Public Dungeons for all my dudes on USEast the past 4 days, how many people, never mind type of star can say they have done that recently? Personally A Star is just a symbol with no meaning to me. I’m just a normal Blue Star, but I get a lot of respect for being generous in game, as well as being a decent Founder who is outclassed with the awesome friends I’ve recruited.

Also Red Stars are called trash for some reason.? Feel like I’m missing something xD


I’ll prove you wrong.

I’ll be that one white star with no money, no items and unmaxed lv 20 chars.


a star is a ninja’s ability. the star is really awesome. it lets you run really fast and the worst star does 100-200. that is a lot for a t0 star. the t6 does like 700-800 damage or something and is really strong. and the midnight star is really cool. it does 300-600 damage, paralyses the enemy and can make you run like sanic, only a little slower.

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funny as a white star, i get tons of hate, never get any fan-boys


I’ll be your fan dad.


Light Blue star: If you’re bothering to send me any message besides asking for free items, I assume you’re an experienced player on an alt account, either mule/ppe.

Blue Star: When I was a blue star was definitely the most fun I had with the game. I was new enough that everything was still fresh and I was learning every day, but good enough I didn’t die everyday. I also seem to get the least amount of beggars from blue stars. tl;dr I assume you’re learning the game. A lot of blue stars haven’t even PLAYED some of the classes.

Red Star: If you gave me one player of each star and no other info about them, the red star is the one I’d assume is worst at the game. There’s a couple class specialists that just haven’t even played any other classes (BMJ for example) but it’s relatively simple to get to 150 fame trying to max a character and then dying, but red stars aren’t even consistently getting to the 400 mark. It’s a transition between blue and orange, but I’ve seen people stuck on red for years because they can’t keep a character alive long enough to max 6/8.

Orange Star: Can consistently 6/8, maybe occasionally making the push to 8/8. Will almost never have more than 1 8/8 living simultaneously.

Yellow Star: 56-60 stars I assume you fame farmed it. 61-69 tend to be the people who are best at the game. White star is within reach and they know it doesn’t really have anything special about it.

White star: you’ve played for a long time.

To note, this is just what my base assumption is. It will almost certainly be wrong about 99% of people. But to say I don’t have a personal bias would be lying.


If you’re in the train you can do it in about an hour on a good day. Hell, you can get to yellow in 10 hours on a good day.


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So, in my short time with RotMG, it seems that nobody takes you seriously unless you are at least a red star. Personally I consider stars unimportant, and almodt completley pointless, but than again I am a light blue star, so… Can someone just tell me why they are so important? Personally, I find them pointless but, it is pretty obvious other people do not.


Other people have this game as their life so blue star = bum

White star shit talking blue star = rich guy kicks dirt at bum.

People are mean :frowning:


Its pretty much the same like with phallus sizes


Because a lot of good lower stars hack, dupe or rwt.


Most people start to accept you when you’re a blue star. But when you’re in a guild people sometimes don’t rely on your star.


It is because while stars doesn’t mean everything, it still tells something about you.

Say if you’re Blue star, people would expect you to be able to do UDLs with ease;
if you’re yellow star people would expect you to be able to do clean tombs;
if you have white star people would expect you to have no life and spent way too much time in the game :joy::gun:

And well, people expect light blues to have absolutely no clue what they are doing :stuck_out_tongue:


Light blue and often dark blue stars are often perceived as noobs because of their inability to play anything but one class, which is true to some extent. Red and above starts to show a little bit of variety but they are normally just as toxic as everybody else.


Yes, I was sick of “rich” white stars kicking shit at me cuz I was a wizard 1trick so I decided to succumb to the peer pressure.