What does a star mean to you?


Many people don’t take you seriously unless you are at least at yellow star …
I guess its because star rank is one of the few obvious metrics by which players can be judged. It’s not a very good metric, but it’s convenient.


wow your orange already[quote=“IAmShurima, post:8, topic:4714”]
so I decided to succumb to the peer pressure.

:confused: i like going to opposite of peer pressure, lol. i waited a long time to remove the santa hat, even though i hated it…


Yes, I got like 12 stars or something last night cuz I went and played all the classes that I had never played on this account.



do you turn off offers while in train?


If you can call it a “train” xD It was more like 10 people walking around in a scattered blob. Some of them I actually just farmed the god lands cuz EUN2 was too slow.

And nah, I left the offers up. That’s part of why it took me so long.


It’s not a definitive factor but it suggests something about the person.

What % of light blues can do so and so? Compare that to the % of white stars that can do “so and so” and there you have your answer.

It’s a good indication of how much skill/knowledge you have of the game, and although some players have a low star-ranking but are still super good (they play very few classes), it’s an extremely small portion of that population.

It’s like that saying, “Don’t judge a cover by its’ book” except not.


I’m just bad at the game.


Well, if you are a low enough star rank, some people might not even see what you say if they have the star requirement turned on.

But mainly, it’s a sign of achievement. Blue stars (dark and light) are considers newbies (new players and/or not that skilled), and people don’t really respect them.

“Why don’t the higher ranks respect them?”, you might ask. The simple answer is, because the community (most of it at least) is toxic. When they were blue stars, they got bullied by the orange stars, and when they became orange themselves, they bullied the blue stars as revenge.

Not everyone, of course. It just seems like it, because people tend to focus more on mean things than nice things. For example, if I were to tell you that you look nice, and that you should also kill yourself, you most likely will think about the “kill yourself” part. But again, almost every Realm player says that, so we are probably just immune to it.



I have chat filter at 10 stars


You know you could have edited your first post to add the image in.


Really, the star rank is kind of dumb… fame train enough and you’ll look cool with your white star.

But I guess there are sort of stereotypes of stars, if that makes any sense?

Light blue - noob/new player
Blue - still kind of bad at the game
Red - starts to know their stuff
Orange - ok to ask for advice
Yellow - really good at the game
White - “Hey, GHZD back with another video.”; “Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, it’s SLVRDLLR.”


I would say that the whitestar stereotype is more of “I spent my life in the fame train.” Imho, unless I know the whitestar, I would probably trust a random yellow star over a random white star.

That being said, there are a lot of white stars out there that DO know what they are doing. It just seems like most white stars fame trained for everything they’ve got.

Also, nothing against fame trains either. There are a lot of fame trainers that are also really good at the game.


[details=My unpopular opinion]
everyone under orange star: hackers
Everyone orange star and above: dickheads[/details]

Thing is, it’s mostly true.


this thread is starting to remind me of that other one…


What it comes down to and all that really matters is that if we had a tape measure, I have the biggest one, I hope this helps. :eggplant:


It’s for the swag.


I have experienced this, along with every other player in the game. Actually, for some people star-rank doesn’t matter. I know a light-blue star with over 4k base just because he has only died TWICE, EVER, on his account. However, having stars can also make you an “OG” at the game. White stars are inevitably respectable, as it (usually) takes skill and effort, unless you’re fame farming. I recommend trying new classes! getting them to level 20 guarantees your first class quest completion. Get at least dark blue star and it will be a lot easier to play the game.


There is an unfortunate stigma that people with a blue star (as their main account) are simply inexperienced at the game due to the inability to stay alive and get more fame thus get more stars. This also usually means that they are less knowledgeable about the game and are annoying, almost children like players who should be ignored.

Of course this isn’t always true in the least. However those blue stars who really care need to make it known that they are different, otherwise nobody will listen to them. Like seeing that you have never had a 1/8 and are a blue star both point to the fact that you are a noob. However you could literally only merch, you could be someone who just studies games and their mechanics, etc. In general, stars show a VERY LOOSE reference of your skills in the game, however in the long run they are only personal aesthetic tbh.\

Also white stars, any stars in fact, bullying people because of star color is a horrifically similar situation to discrimination and should be a bannable/suspendable offense in my honest opinion.


That’s just because many people are intimidated by white stars lol. Take my good friend Perfect for example. He has 2 maxed divines, is currently working on a 3rd (all mostly without paying money), and has gotten 34 total shatters whites. However he is “only” a yellow star. I trust him the same amount as another friend, [Vjjking] (https://www.realmeye.com/player/Vjjkingg). A white star with a paid pet, he is less skilled at the game than perfect but as trustworthy as a person. I share discords with both of them and have asked both of them to hold overflow items for me, sometimes worth well over 20 life. The point of all this is that although white stars may seem untouchable and awesome, they are all just normal players like the rest of us.