What drops from the ice tomb event chest?


What are the drops from the event chest in the ice tomb?


Event Chest Loot table:

Snow Queen Skin (Wizard)
Frimar Skin (Knight)
Snowcloaked Skin (Rogue)
Ambrosia (5k FP)
Mystery Dye (Clothing)
Mystery Dye (Accessory)
Enchanted Ice Shard (UT Reskin)
Frimarra (UT Reskin)
Ring of the Northern Light (UT Reskin)
Frosbite (T11 Reskin)
Staff of Yuletide Carols (T11 Reskin)
An Icicle (T11 Reskin)
Bow of Eternal Frost (T11 Reskin)
Salju (T11 Reskin)
Coalbearing Quiver (T6 Ability Reskin)
Skull of Krampus (T6 Ability Reskin)
Vigil Spell (T6 Ability Reskin)
Greedsnatcher Trap (T6 Ability Reskin)
Resounding Shield (T6 Ability Reskin)
Ornamental Prism (T6 Ability Reskin)
Nativity Tome (T6 Ability Reskin)
Holly Poison (T6 Ability Reskin)
Advent Seal (T6 Ability Reskin)
Ilex Star (T6 Ability Reskin)
Scepter of Sainthood (T6 Ability Reskin)
Snowbound Orb (T6 Ability Reskin)
Cloak of Winter (T6 Ability Reskin)
Pathfinder’s Helm (T6 Ability Reskin)
Ornament x 5
Bell x 5
Primal Ice x 5
Ornament x 3
Bell x 3
Primal Ice x 3
Ornament x 1
Mystery Stat Pot

From Reddit


you know what they forgot to mention

primal ice x 1 c:


[quote=“Retero, post:2, topic:21781”]
Primal Ice x 3
[/quote]Possibly up to 3?


i got 5 from 1


well they mentioned both x5 and x3, and i’ve never seen anyone get a 2 or 4 stack so idk


Or if you want it in a nutshell, then Click Me! I like being Clicked!


Translation: A shit ton of consumables and mystery stat pots plus a few dyes.

Also, some T6 reskins and skins you’re not going to get


I got a lot of reskins and skins :woman_shrugging:


didn’t know it can drop snow queen, nice!

i somehow have it tho, don’t remember when i got it…


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