What ever happened to Elder Realms?


The name has been floated around by Wild Shadow and Kabam. We’ve never been told exactly what they were planning (or day dreaming), but all along it was meant to serve as the new end-game. At this point who knows if any past plans will still be used.


New end game!? How dare they try and push Oryx to the side like that! xo


you and your fixation of orxy.


My knight roams the realms in order to find his father, Oryx. //Preview//


oh btw go to the contest thread


Hopefully DECA does not decide to make an “Elder Realms.” It’s wasted potential. If they ever do decide to make an end game zone that isn’t just a dungeon I do hope it is along the lines of this idea I had in the past.

So much new content to be explored and enjoyed can be had. Not just some repetition of the same monsters bulked up.

I think I might start working on that Underworld idea again… It certainly is worth more than any class idea I have and haven’t posted on the forums.


Please explain what the difference between the two is, aside from the name. In concept they are almost completely identical. I have no idea what you’re trying to say.


My Underworld idea actually has new content, while the ideas and concepts that make up the Elder Realms is enhanced drop rates and stronger monsters.

To simply put it… Would you like an end game dungeon like the shatters and tomb, or would you like an epic dungeon of the Abyss of Demons?


no one said an ‘elder realm’ can’t have new content. I think you’re jumping to conclusions here.


No one has said it can’t have new content, but no one I’ve seen has said it has new content. The base idea of Elder Realms is a hard mode for the current game, though its the lazy way for making a hard mode.


an ‘elder realm’ is any realm that is harder than than a normal one. it doesn’t have to be like the first one. it doesn’t even have to be called an ‘elder realm’.

I guarantee you that if DECA went with your ‘underworld’ instead of ‘elder realms’ (as you think of them), everyone who saw the update would be saying things like:
“yay elder realms!”
“finally we get elder realms”
“y would u go through with this?”
“shut up mr ‘y would u go through with this’! this is awesome! we get elder realms!”
“so this is what elder realms are”
“I was wondering if elder realms would be a thing”


I suppose so. I’ve only heard and read of Elder Realms as an identical version of RotMG, just harder. I guess this makes a first.

As long as DECA does not make any lazy decisions and does not waste the potential RotMG has, then I am fine with the outcome.



Quoted from MSellers AMA,

but as I recall the base design for Elder Realms was “the same but a lot harder.”

Though MSellers said somewhere in there that Deca probably has plenty of ideas already, and that’s all Elder Realms were, ideas.


Like I said earlier: nobody knows what was planned, or how far along those plans had been executed. All we know is it was to be harder.

msellers had his recollection of what they were thinking about, and one of the later teams had one as well which was likely very different. The obvious need for further end-game content has changed hands so many times i’m sure there’s a wasteland of Elder Realms ideas that they could never get to.


I may be wrong but i’m 90% sure Elder Realms was not a concept ever floated around by Wildshadow. The Elder Realms were planned under Msellers, but after he left most of the team was switched out, and according to Msellers AMA, most of the documentation they left about their plans got lost. Regardless, the team that took over after them did not follow through with that plan.


It was Willems (very) rough idea, but msellers definitely hyped it to the players as the big thing they perceive it to be. One thing about msellers: if he was nothing else, he was a decent hype man. But neither he nor his team ever did any significant work to flesh out what elder realms actually were. It serves even more effectively as realm’s Camelot this way, since every player may imagine it to be as perfect as he wishes without all of the baggage of actual content which would need definition, balance, and work.

The cake is a lie.


I had an idea about hardcore mode / mechanical events, kind of like terraria if anyone knows what that is like. But I think this would be an nice time to release elder realms with everything getting steamrolled


Realm’s Future: Elder Realms

Realm has come a long way since it was launched and still has lots of room to grow. With Elder Realms you will see huge new challenges that only the best players will be able to master. These will include new zones, realms, monsters, NPCs, bosses, and of course gear. We’re also adding some new systems that will expand the game much as pets have. We have a long list of features and content to add to the game – new ways and places to play, more ways to develop your characters, and new challenges to test yourself against. Polish up your W-A-S-D skills and level up your pet! There’s a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks and beyond.

This is how Kabam described Elder Realms right after the release of the Arena, as for what happened to it, from what I heard Willem had some really early prototype for it locally, but no major work was ever done, there’s some things that are related to it left on the servers that DECA found, but it’s nothing big at all. I’m not really sure if I’m allowed to disclose what it was so I won’t just to be sure.

As for whether or not DECA will bring the idea back, it’s up to them but with the amount of work required to create something that will have to fulfill a lot of hype simply by the name alone I doubt we’ll see anything for at least over a year if they choose to, the game has major issues that needs to be addressed before taking on a content update as massive as Elder Realms would be.
Complex dungeons can take at least a couple of weeks spent on creating alone and even more spent on testing, something as massive as Elder Realms would take at least 6-8 months to make and possibly 5-6 more months of testing and that’s if everything goes well.


Well, hopefully we’ll have at least one finished idea for the Elder Realms soon. I’m going to get my Underworld Project completed as a showcase/example for an Elder Realm.


My own interpretation to the Elder Realms would obviously be a challenge, I portray it as the underworld as a few of you said but I want them to add like in Realm mechanics that you see in dungeons such as the shatters with the switches more traps in the realm as you see in the Undead Lair an another cool thing they could do kinda like the Ogre castle how he has a castle in the realm they could make a different version of that aimed towards more of an event boss like Dragon’s nest. I’d like to hear all of your thought on these in realm interactions they could create. ex: (horde, traps, castle, cave in’s that would force you into a dungeon)