What happened to my account?


Hello! So today right before the calendar reset my account was working fine but then I got timed out I thought to myself no big deal right? But after about 15 minutes I couldn’t even get on my account anymore and every time I would try to log in it either said my password was wrong or it would just take me back to the main screen. I was just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this and how or if I got banned. Thanks!


It should say “This account has been banned” or something if it was, you might have just a. forgotten your password or b. servers are fucking up. It might be worth a shot to try to reset your password, Good luck :smiley:


Hey thanks! resetting my password worked for me and I can play on my account again, again thank you :slight_smile:


<3 @moderators close


Posting before it gets closed im a rebel!


