What makes someone a team player?


In thinking about ways gameplay could be altered to increase synergy of classes/abilities and increase the co-op aspect of the game, I began to ask the question of “What makes someone a team player in Realm of the Mad God?”

I don’t mean someone who rushes or kills an enemy nobody else wants to in order to progress an invuln phase

Rather, what can a player do to help their teammates, be it through being a decoy, support with buffs, being vocal with directions in chat, or anything else that helps a group deal with the situation efficiently, and not just with sheer power in numbers.

When playing, I don’t think often of how I can work with others to play off of strengths unless if I’m in a call with a friend.

I’m interested in seeing what others might say about how someone can be a good team player within the current game.



i think ur question is more appropriate for a smaller group scenario, since with organized raids it’s pretty much “shoot things and spam spacebar”.

here’s some i could think of:

  • well placed decoys (like for o2, cultists, if ur a gamer u can decoy void shots away from group etc) are helpful in big groups but even more so in a small group b/c u don’t have the luxury of a dps ball
  • having hp bars on as a priest, being aware of ur allies hp and healing when they need it–im horrible at this cuz i can’t multitask
  • for buffs with a smaller radius (e.g warrior) moving to a position that buffs as many of your allies (or at least the highest dps ones; e.g. buffing the pally and knight in your small shatters instead of the priest at the back if u had to choose) as possible
  • permastunning/perma-whatever-debuffing. a nuance is that sometimes you should know when not to debuff, for example your knight might have the preference of non-slowed crusades to not get hit by minions when they go in to stun commander.
  • human decoying/tanking or controlling the movement / shots of an enemy. take for example unibor as a warrior in a group without knight; he has the insane mechanical ability to strafe (like how you would with ent gods) so the commander shotgun isn’t directed at group. another example i can think of is grandpas in shatters. if your group has a ranged, tanking the unstables and letting ranged kill is usually much faster that individual uncoordinated attempts to kill it. if no ranged, be the guy who pushes him into a corner and again tank the unstables so someone else can deal with it.
  • stasises aren’t that important anymore but there are a few niche situations where it can be great, like stasising shats blue bird, or minions at a smol cube/shrine, or fullskips of course

idk i feel like with all the discord raiding i don’t feel like im part of a team working together to take down enemies anymore…i have way more fun playing with guildies or friends. cuz that’s a real team imo; i don’t give a shit if someone rips their char in a halls run but playing with guildies is completely different. u care when someone dies or gets a white, u go thru scary moments together, u rush to heal ur blinking guildie and laugh after the sketchy incident, u do ur best cuz these guys are ur friends…id rather leech in a big group when im playing rng simulator tbh. and the sad part is i die waaay less when doing the meta-grind just b/c of how industrialized the process has become, there’s a way lower “failure rate” and its faster. but it completely kills the fun

Edit: And actually it doesn’t even have to be with people you know, literally anything but huge discord raiding is fun. I used to meet cool new people by doing realm shatters (keep using shatters because I guess that’s when I had the most fun during that ~2016 era) so long I kept an open mind and people weren’t being dicks trying to drag on each other. There would be actual interaction; I would accidentally drag a few enemies, say “OOPS SORRY”, other guy would say “haha that’s fine” etc. At the end we’d sincerely wish each other good luck as we’d found a cool new comrade. I believe that’s how I met PotatoT.


I would love to hear ideas for new items/class abilities that could be added that you think would increase the team-player aspect of the game!

The barrels from Para Chambers come to mind as probably the best current example of a mechanic in the game where a single person can manipulate the dungeon such that rest can continue to make progress. It also has the added effect of harming the team if used incorrectly. to some extent I think that I would like to see further exploration of those types of ideas. I personally would love to see a dungeon that is specifically made for a duo or something that you could pop in the guild hall for a fun coordination challenge. Think Portal 2 co-op style, where you are communicating about what you can see from your side and trying to direct the other person and vice versa.

Problem is I wouldn’t want it to become like the Tcave, where it awesome the first time then boring after that, so some randomness would have to be involved, and at this point the amount of work necessary to put together something like this is astronomical and we are basically building a new game.

So again with the original question, what have you thought of that can be added to increase the team playing experience?


Ah yes I totally forgot about para, it’s such a unique dungeon in that sense (barrels). Even in a big group it gives that much power to an individual and as I’ve complained before, this tickles me the right way when I usually feel I don’t contribute jack shit to the team shooting at hp scaled to hell mobs.

During events id usually try and “help the team” at boss by standing closest to the barrel and directing it to boss. So boss would damageable as frequently as possible while almost eliminating the risk of someone barreling the wrong way or even worse, barreling into group. This gives me a sense of idk worth I guess? because anything else like buffing group or hitting boss just doesn’t feel as impactful in a large group.


I approve of what Corn man said.


I think you missed one option (possibly more, but this is one i thought of):

  • Staying near, but out of shot directions when there’s a rogue in your party. That way you may still be able to help the rogue with your skills, but not get him/her uncloaked because you both get hit. And cloaked the rogue may be able to help the team as well.


Damn I miss doing shatter trios with guildie pals :’^)

Thank you for giving me mad nostalgia lol. Also your input, very nice to hear from someone more active & aware then I have been lately.

Makes me wanna run big things in little groups again.


Really I’ve been thinking about enemy placement. In linear dungeons like the Shatters, there are patterns of enemies that allow for certain builds or classes to really shine and do wonders for their mates.

I was pondering on how that could possibly be added into common dungeons that are semi randomly generated so that they’re less “everything charges you”.

I feel like the Toxic Sewers is kind of what I’m thinking about, but that dungeon is so narrow and the presence of the sewage makes it a slow crawl that can’t benefit as much imo from coordinated moves like “YO KNIGHT TAKE MY LEFT AND HOLD EM OFF”.

Maybe if dungeons had more space or larger “doorways” that would be more possible.

It’s possible that placements of enemies is pretty well thought out already, but honestly as Unicorn said I have been mostly exposed to large groups lately, so maybe I haven’t seen so much of that with newer stuff. As for older content, I’m just so used to how to navigate things that I don’t have much issue doing them on my own.

Ultimately, there’s a lot of Rotmg that is indeed something that cannot be helped, and it would require some massive fundamental changes in order to create more co-op play. Hopefully, IC/OOC helps with this. Maybe even way less dungeon space would be better.


More team stuff like that would really be awesome. More dungeon features that require some good plays and shmoovement = :+1:



Another idea I had was the inclusion of emotes that can help give directions or state things on the fly. Kind of like the MEDIC button in TF2 and the like.

It would be cool to see use of that for visual instruction, though there are obvious downsides to giving everyone that ability.


Or something like a Tactician class unlocked at a certain amount of class quests or milestones that has an ability based solely around creating visual arrows or banners to give directions to people.


Eh, I don’t know about having a “Tactician” class; remember some of us are lone wolves that have little practical use for that. But would love to see some built in emotes or the likes. I mean, they may have some tiny drawbacks, but… they wouldn’t necessary have to be visible in the chat


I mean, it’s kind of fun to use them in some silly little games like LittleBigSnake (imo the best Slither.io version out there, even better than Wormax.io : P)

(Didn’t mean to link those, sorry)


You’re absolutely right, some people aren’t into it.

Maybe if a class/feature like that were to exist, it would require the consent of people in the dungeon/area clicking ✓ or X to toggle on/off help from a “tactician”

Very out there idea for sure lol.


With the amount of devious trolling/mere nonsensical jokes flying about, nobody would trust them. They’d be pretty useless, unfortunately.

Cool idea on paper, bad in practice


Certain classes are definitely more team player than most. A bard that is aware of who is near him and does stuff like range boosting staff classes during O2 dance so that they can continue to shoot O2 from safely outside the dance (one of my favorite uses of inspired actually). Priests who aren’t mundane. A mystic who knows what they are doing (as a mystic main, I can say that single-handedly keeping pub tombs clean feels great, it’s a part of RotMG where I feel that I am really thinking, cooperating, and also contributing a ton, moments like that are why I love mystic). Tricksters with well placed decoys. Huntresses who set up traps along the path of a dragging warrior to slow large groups of enemies (I have seen this intentionally done sometimes in dungeons, and once again it feels like legitimate, non-discord cooperation, and I love it). Heck I once duoed a thicket with a paladin as a rogue and during first boss, he would distract the bosses main barrage away from me while I cloaked and picked off the babies in the phase where you have to kill them, so really any class can be a team player as long as you can work up a plan, some are just inherently better at it because they are a support class.


Pog thanks for the response, I’ll have to think about these things I can do myself :eyes:


Yeah : (

Too much potential for disaster and also just visual griefing


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