What prism should i use, and when?




all of them but dire instability

Dancing is good overall. You can use whenever. It provides nice stats and is okay decoy.

T6 is nice decoy because it offers the longest time.

t0 is great for just teleporting.

ST dazes so like… whenever you can get close and land one, it could be nice


dancing swords for decoys, t0 for teleportation


Brain is godlike when rushing when you dont wanna tele. Great decoy time for little cost.
Dire is pretty bad.
Dancing is for the stats.
T6 is for decoying enemies that you can’t get close to(oryx, void, etc).


Dire is fun, but not really all that practical. Only good on enemies with chase patterns like abyss brutes and stationary enemies, and even then you miss out on dagger damage.

T0/gold is good for teleporting, try get your hands on a ghostly though.

Brain is decent for when it’s safe to put down decoys near a boss thanks to the long decoy time or when rushing, the daze is nice but not very useful.

Dancing swords seems to be everyones go to for decoys, I guess. Use it if you like to decoy easier without the tp.


dancing prism is well rounded, t0 is always nice for covering large distances, rest is situational
if your pet has weak mheal, t6 is also a good option for better decoy coverage


Other people have basically covered it, so I’ll just mention a little trick you can use when you are using brain: you can make a string of decoys going from where the enemies are to where you want them to be to move them over time. Just place one, move a few tiles back, place another and repeat. It takes practice to pull off, but is quite useful in some scenarios.




Contrary to what others say, I do believe Dire has its uses.
When faced with a boss that chases, for instance; for clearing minions; for doing generally more damage from a distance.

T6 is the best Prism for long Decoys. DSwords is good, too, but you spend more MP for shorter Decoys.

Brain is good if you can’t send a Decoy to a boss, maybe because they move too much. In other words, prediction is rewarded!


smh all of this dire hate

Dire’s a good prism
change my mind


It does no dmg. Aiming it makes you have to walk towards the enemy and miss a few shots, which do just as much dmg as dire’s pitiful dmg. Its decoy is weak, and it is ugly.


It has a higher total damage than every spell except tablet

You don’t need to use it constantly, it’s good for out-ranging enemies and enemies that chase such as gulpord

literally every spell does no damage?

objectively false


When nobody gets that dire is made for mobs that aggressively chase players that can easily be bursted


Or the mobs that directly stand on you when chasing, MBC pati phase, for example.


It’s right not to waste too much time on Dire at the cost of missing dagger dmg, but for enemies with predictable invulnerable/vulnerable transition, launching multiple Dire decoys to hit when they emerge from invuln can be a viable tactic.


DS is the best default throw on because there is no sketchy teleport and it provides great stat bonuses.


Dire is a great prism. I agree with Anakin, you should have dire on as your default prism, or at least dancing swords. If you learn how to aim it and use the golem dagger, you can have be hitting enemies with your boss AND the prism >:) Remember, Dire does great damage if you’re good; Total Damage: 3000-4800 (3900)

Brain is good for rushing sews and abysses. Getting swamped? Throw a decoy down. It’s also very good for placing precise decoys. For example, Metabolism places decoys on the far side of a Cultist every time it teleports, making it shoot away from the group. This requires Balls and Skill. The Daze is situational as well, but it helps in LH Troom.

Ornamental prism. Great for just normal decoy shit. Plus, it looks pretty dope.

Dancing swords. Use it when you need a shitton of decoys. I don’t find it particularly useful.

T0. Use it to teleport.


When i soloed o2 with his new phases, especially the Chas one I use dire to decoy him and do damage.
If you could get ghostly I would get rid of t0 and t6, then just decoy with dancing.


Except, if you had one, you would see one large issue. THEORETICALLY, it would do more damage then every spell. However, I had one and it has one large issue. Unless the monster normally sits on decoys or you have incredibly good aim, you aren’t going to land more then one or two of the shots making the damage actually not at all comparable to the spells (Other then gulpord’s chase stage, who else tries to sit on you?). Additionally, because Dire explodes almost immediately after stopping, even if a monster is perfectly chasing it, Dire is unlikely to land all the shots. Spells, you can easily aim. Dire, you can’t so actually it does do considerably less damage then every spell. Additionally, it is pretty ugly considering that it’s insanely overshaded.

I am not saying that it has no use but I would argue that it is much too limited to be considered a good prism or even a usable prism and I would overall consider it a waste of a inventory space unless you plan on grinding out sewers.

After update, where it now has pierce, it may be more usable but I would still almost never use it if you already have a ghostly prism. (Used it back before pierce)


Though spells can also be mis-aimed, and only do partial hits, so the comparison matches from that side (both things commonly will not do their advertised headline dmg). One thing the prism has is oftentimes the enemy will be attracted to the decoy and walk exactly on top of it, to receive the full dmg. But yes the general point about it being tougher to setup and use than a spell holds true. I personally like the sprite. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ghostly however, I’m yet to be convinced about, maybe it’s the combination of teleporting and needing to stand where the enemy is going to be, I find that far riskier to use than Dire. Though maybe it’s horses for courses and you need to pick the right scenario for each.


I’ve had a ton of them, couple on my account right now, I personally fins them fun to use and helpful as a decoy.

You said it had shit damage /shrug

Or you just have really bad aim with it lmao

I didn’t really have an issue with hitting 2 shots, it would usually hit either like a third or half of the shots, all you need to do is throw it at the boss, it’ll usually land right next to them as long as you aren’t like four rooms away.

that’s why it’s used situationally, if you can’t reliably hit the boss you can throw in decoys and get some extra damage.

smh my head, bad taste in sprites.

It’s really good in the situations it’s used in, considering a large amount of bosses are stationary it can be used to get damage from a range.

It’s just a subjective issue I guess, not everyone will like it, but try it out for a while before throwing it away.

They added pierce to it? when was this lmao

Haven’t played this game much in a while