What should I farm for


This is an 8/8 sorc what should I farm for next it’s been a while since I played so just asking.



a screenshotting tool.


I was too lazy to screenshot I have one btw


So use it, why post a pic of a screen shot?

But to answer your question… Start with a Fumi, or at least a T6.


Fulmi, t12 wand, wand of the fallen, ritual robe, devestation… (not sure what ring you got)


I have tier 12 wand FYI with wand of fallen


All we can see is a condu, t5, and gsorc… use prnt scrn for a sec?


That’s actually it


Just grind out more pots and 8/8 more characters. The white bags will pour in as you do more dungeons.


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