What to do? [Rebuilding Character]


I just died on most of my maxed chars trying to learn end game dungeons. I have one 7/8 hunt and a 3/8 assassin left. Should I focus on rebuilding my characters or farming Motmg Events?


I personally would focus on rebuilding; trying to continue farming the events is likely to lead more deaths. Godlands dungeons are a pretty good source of campaign tokens, so you can focus on making progress towards that while also getting potions for new characters (not to mention the instant maxing candies from the campaign, which can be a great help).

One you have a comfortable amount of maxed characters again, you can refocus on the events.


I would like to add on that if you are going to farm on GLand and still have bunch of loot drop potions/clovers left, use them on your 7/8 Huntress.

This way, she can farm pots in faster rate. But, you would have to find an empty realm to do this to maximize your farming efficiency (and walk to GLand if you got used to teleporting).

And… make sure to have at least one maxed character that does the GLand farming. For example my 7/8 Sorcerer, he’s dedicated for farming godland.


lol stop touting boots when people evidently aren’t a fan, glands pot farming is not efficient and that’s just a waste of a clover, plus the find an empty realm part serves no purpose other than to further your boots agenda


Agenda? I literally said that if Fay want max efficiency, he/she may have to do that. He/she does not have to follow my step but that is my suggestion.

And plus, that anti-TP bonus will be gone soon anyway, so no point of pressuring 'im/'er to be like me.

Then how will I farm Defence pots as 0/8 without anyone else helping me then? I literally do that on my farmer and the result was satisfactory.


but how is solo glands farming efficient? also there’s only no one helping you because you’re solo farming xd
Satisfactory =/= the maximum efficiency you were talking about though


Ok fine, I did went off topic.

Because if I solo farm, I will have all the god kills. If there is more players, I will end up earning less pots because they are taking my god-kills.


That’s not how that works
1 shot on a realm god with a t0 weapons gets sb, I don’t think that’s a problem


This is very true!

To maximize godlands farming efficiency, it’s best to bring a sorcerer and find a decent group. The scepter gets you sb on several gods at once in a single hit, and thus nets a ton of potions.


Yep. Sorc is a pot-farmer without compare, but it goes much much quicker when there are others killing gods too. You just follow behind seemingly hardly helping, but picking up blue bags from gods that you got SB on a screen and a half away. Sure you can do it alone but more slowly.


@Twitchystr It’s ok, Sakura can make suggestions. I mean, personally I do like finding smaller realms with few players to nab a few pots myself on occasion, with or without a clover! Let the inquisitor decide. It entirely depends on how efficient you are at killing gods solo as opposed to in a small group, and certainly which class (and what equipment) you’re using.

As a side note, the Cartographer bonuses aren’t bad (sometimes my sister and I will circumnavigate a realm’s roads to help with that if we’re multitasking something else on the computer), and you don’t have to use the clover until you’re in the Glands. Although I usually do like having peeps acting as anchors near the Glands in sparsely populated realms, it’s not undoable. =~=


I would honestly say it depends on your skill level. If you were confident enough, just grinding events in discord will prob lead you to max your chars faster. But yeah, if you aren’t, glands will just be fine I think.


Like what Maxhello said, i think it depends on your skill level. personally at the current moment I have one character left, I used previous wealth to max a wizard with attack and dex. From there I have been farming nests in the discord. i have 5 characters maxed in dex and have accumulated enough life to max 3 in def and att. The other big thing is to only bring the requirements for gear, so t10, t4 t10 then t4 hp. all buyable for roughly a spd or dex. And its important to be careful and you can afford to be selfish and focus on dodging instead of doing damage due to being in a decent sized group (typically from 18 to 35 during the week).
I hope this helps!


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