What tome is the best? (details in post)


I’ve heard some people say that geb tome is better than puri, is that true?

And second, what is the best tome for the priest?

(Is geb tome better or puri?)

  • Puri
  • Geb tome

0 voters

(What is the best tome for surviving in general? [gods, dungeons, etc])[poll name=poll2 type=multiple min=1 max=3 public=true]

  • Holy guidance
  • Puri
  • Geb tome
  • Holy prot
  • The legendary tier 0 tome

(What’s the best tome for end game dungeons? [shatts, tombs])

  • Holy guidance
  • Puri
  • Geb tome
  • Holy prot
  • The legendary tier 0 tome

0 voters

(What’s the best tome for rushing?)

  • Holy guidance
  • Puri
  • Geb tome
  • Holy prot
  • The legendary tier 0 tome

0 voters

(What’s the best tome for dirty tombs?)

  • Holy guidance
  • Puri
  • Geb tome
  • Holy prot
  • The legendary tier 0 tome

0 voters

(What’s the best tome for doing oryx?)

  • Holy guidance
  • Puri
  • Geb tome
  • Holy prot
  • The legendary tier 0 tome

0 voters

Best tome for my priest?

looking at the options, i think you already know what the best tome is…


I don’t even know why I put that in the options…

Its too late, I can’t change it.


Depends on what dungeon, or situation you are in…
Prot is one of the best ones.


Well to me the answer is obviously prot. Sure they all have their uses, but only one of them doubles your survivability. Puri is nice at removing debuffs, but prot allows you to tank the debuffs. Geb and T6 tome give you speedy, but there’s never really a time where priest either has to, or needs to rush where they would pick speed over double defense.

Sure each tome has its use and a special niche, but overall prot just has the best survival rates across the board.


im definently not the only person that voted prot for everything… but yea pretty obvious which one is the overall best tome


T5 tome? Incaase you don’t want to go super fast due to being slightly dangerous?


It also has a better mp/heal ratio than T6, so it’s better for lava-walking.


I like puri in pub tombs because of armor break in general
Now against geb prot is obviously better.

For oryx I chose t6 (for o2) and prot (for everything else)


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