What's so good about campaign? Why does the game itself (not Deca) benefit from it?


better chances at whites is pay to win!


I guess


These arguments are rather off-topic, though.
There are already a whole bunch of good causes that support the points you stated, and there is no need for Deca to get involved in that - it won’t necessarily make their game more popular.
Besides that, Realm has very little to do with those problems, so it’s not really association that could do the work here.


Helping kids in Africa ----> More support ---------> More popularity ------------> More support ---------------> more money ---------------> better game


You can use that argument for literally anything.

Helping kids in Africa => More support => More money => More popularity => More support => More money => Bigger support group for genocides and removal of human rights.

So, I call bullshit. ALL BULLSHIT.


We could honestly go on forever with this. It just doesn’t feel right to me. Feels, looks, smalls, sounds, and tastes like the beginning of one of those eras in a game. I believe more of this content will appear (much worse content) that could kill the game. I know what you guys are telling me.


If u do get a more white chance mainly noobs will spend money for that. Then they would just die immediatley. With it rendering it pointless


how does having campaigns for the development of the game kill the game?
For someone who seems to understand, you oddly seem one-sided throughout all your posts, and seem to reject any idea that isn’t yours.


Just get to the point: You don’t wanna spend money or time farming for the sweet loot they have, so you want it gone because you can’t have it.


I know why Deca added this now, thank you for telling me.


Can this thread be closed already? It previously went too far as I couldn’t even imagine.


Oi I try get a whiter every day. And I grind like shit for it.


Then why do you have a problem with it?


I don’t understand what you’re saying.


Why don’t you like the event?


He’s salty that he has to pay Deca like $5 to fund their Unity port campaign and believes that he should be able to support and get all the rewards by simply playing the game and straining the servers.

And he thinks that having players have an incentive to support is an awful idea for some reason.


Shouldn’t you be posting this on reddit where you might have a higher chance of finding ungrateful fucks that agree with what you’re saying?


Well, you’re absolutely right on the first part.
I just think there are other, more efficient ways in having players support the game.

Didn’t mean to be salty >.<
Also did you just assume my gender OwO


I don’t like reddit.


I just don’t like the rewards.