What's so good about campaign? Why does the game itself (not Deca) benefit from it?


I honestly think Deca made a huge mistake putting this type on content in the game. This makes the game so pay to win, I honestly don’t know what to say. I mean, Deca WAS the company that added mystery boxes that you could spin for fame, and decided to make Set Tier items untradeable. I know Deca needs money, but why add a feature where having a costumizable chat color screams ‘‘I STOLE MY MOM’S CREDIT CARD AND I CAN’T BE GOOD WITHOUT PAYING’’.
I really think this feature could kill the game for good. I would understand its purpose if it could help with actual gameplay, or boost event drop rates for a while, but c’mon man! They’re not even being low key about the fact that they want more money. Deca already didn’t have the best reputation with RotMG to begin with, and this will be remembered as their biggest fail.

I honestly can’t see any point in this other than Deca screaming for money. Guys, please enlighten me about what the big point is with this new feature, other than money. Anyone know what Deca will do once they get enough of it? Better servers perhaps?
I know that this is your typical Whine Celar post and all, but I want to know what you guys think about it.


Well you’re not really winning anything for paying. Skins are not a neccessity.
People who are willing to pay money will pay money, everybody else who would rather not can still play for free.

In no way, shape or form is this update “pay to win”. You can’t exactly “win” in RotMG anyway.


There is literally a wall of fame.


Yeah, if you want to be on it you pay to be on it.
At least you don’t have to pay to play.


Pay to win? You dont win anything by having another chat color.


So whats the pay to win factor here?

A Fame Wall only lists you on a wall lol…
A chat colour only gives you a chat colour
A Glow only gives you a glow…

There is nothing that is game changing eg. nothing is pay 2 win, nothing of that makes the game easier.


its like calling fortnite p2w


I think you’re seriously just some stupid kid who doesn’t get economics or what a CAMPAIGN IS.

  • First, a campaign is where you SUPPORT their cause either with your MONEY or TIME (not playing the game, but helping them develop/test it) and in return, they give you something. Look at Kickstarter. People usually don’t just throw piles of cash at them without getting anything in return.

  • Second, every single damn company needs money. Okay? They’re not rich billionaires sitting on cruise boats all year long who are always thinking of how to get money out of your pockets. Sure, some of their packages and MBoxes are a joke, but given how F2P this game already is, they do need an income. Most players here don’t buy gold consistently.

  • Third, you would be complaining even more if they got exclusive T14s or something. You’d be saying hey… it’s P2W now! It’s not fair! So cosmetics is the way to go. And there’s not much points giving them a ton of skins… they probably won’t use most of them anyway. So… something else.

  • Fourth, only idiots like you think that a cosmetic screams P2W. They’re supporting the damn game so that jerks like you can play for free and here you are getting annoyed about that. The reason why this game is still around is because people buy things. The cosmetic is simply another incentive to be part of the CAMPAIGN. (See point one if you already forgot.)

  • Fifth, their servers, despite being not good, aren’t bad either. Flash is one of the WORST base for software. It’s very RAM and CPU heavy and is very clunky and slow. Also, a lot of code that was part of the original RoTMG is very inefficient and not optimized properly. So, for the most part, the lag is made by your game and not by the servers. I’ve only experienced servers lag when a huge influx of people suddenly come into a dungeon or things. This is because servers don’t run at 100% all the time. When a ton of people come in at once, it needs to go from 10% to like 70% CPU and things. This doesn’t always go well.

  • Sixth, porting an entire game that is 7 years old is a pain. You have to rewrite every single line of code over in a new language. It’s expensive and they need to hire good programmers to optimize it properly. This is why they need money.

So stop complaining and pretending the world revolves around you and F2P people and grow a fucking brain. Nothing is free in this world. Be happy you are even able to play this game for free.


Damn son that is hardcore I was in the middle of this Campaign issue but now I can see why Deca did it. Nice writing concise and to the point I agree with ya m8.


Hold your horses people, I can get this guy. And perhaps many others who will be willing to open threads just like this over and over again. We’ve not been getting updates and new features like this and so many people naturally do surprise. So be warned you’ll come crossed this kind of subjects many times.

Although, one day they’ll realise that it is something various game companies do such a task very often.


Hey man, it’s just my opinion. I’m pretty sure insulting me on these forums is not by the rules, and I kindly ask to calm down with the salt. I just can’t see how this campaign (I know what a campaign is) makes the game a better place. You have strong points in your reply and I see why you might think its a good aspect to RotMG.
Let me just rephrase a bit; I think that the Campaign would be much better if it gave you certain perks with your luck, like better chances at getting whites. But what i’m woried about here is that this is only the start. Deca might add more and more things like this to the game, making it pay to win. I guess that’s what I meant to say in the first place.
Just calm down buddy.


Paying for Campaign won’t make it pay to win or you just don’t understand what is called winning.


Someone comes along and says that! This is simply one asking to make this game pay to win.


Well I guess I don’t then. What is it to win?


Just in case you missed it, check my last post I just edited it.


Emphasis on the word luck


Chat color does not affect gameplay.
Pet skin and character skins from campaign are aesthetics, also does not affect gameplay.
The different graves are also aesthetic, and like the other two options listed above, do not give any sort of advantage in game if you pay money (unlike pets, which is an example of a concept of P2W in-game).
Therefore, the campaign is not P2W, after all, it is OPTIONAL and up to you whether to decide to help support the game transition to Unity, and the rewards do not give an advantage or benefit to your gameplay, but rather an effect to the aesthetics of your gameplay.
You can also farm tokens from events and bosses as a F2P way to help get the same rewards as the ones that do pay money, so there is an alternative.


It is more like getting some loot in this game. Particularly those white bags and inventing a collection of them. Completing dungeons, defeating bosses and doing Lost Halls for at least once may also be admitted. There are also additional concerns may count such as completing all the quests of the classes to be a White Star.


I support RotMG, but this campaign just feels… wrong.
I mean, would you expect something in return after donating to charity?
Would you want to support RotMG just to get a djinja skin and a custom chat color?
Am I really the only one that would fund Deca just for the sake of RotMG?
When you help someone in trouble, would you help them just for a purple character glow?
Just to get a cool looking gravestone?
Just to get your name engraved on a virtual wall?
This is not what a good games company would do. A good games company would organize maximum fun cool and exciting events, that draws people in and encourages them to play the game. Just imagine, visualize, and think how much support Deca Games would get if they supported a good cause; helping kids in Africa, funding cancer research. People would donate lots more money if they knew they supported a good cause. Because just how selfish is it to start a campaign just for yourself and your money (unless you’re running for president)?
That’s my opinion. Go ahead, attack me.


your opinion seems to show that you have very little comprehension of the English language.


English is my 3rd language.