Whats the best class for ancient stone sword?


Oh I thought that wasn’t including MP pots… I just know the layout of abysses well enough to know that most paths leading directly to the boss are dead ends, and the number of rooms between the starting room and boss is around 19
And even then this was a fast-paced rush… If I took maybe 30 seconds more that would be easy without MP pots


It’s maybe not the best example video when there are two other players following you clearing up the minions that would otherwise be chasing you.

Not saying that it’s not possible, only that it’s a ton easier without the pile of enemies constantly on your heels.


Use it on a Pally with CC.


Its not that bad. Pally is also really nice heal so… old tops, maxed def spd and wis, I can rush.


It was my first attempt… the minions wouldn’t have much of an effect as I didn’t reach any dead ends and I cleared them behind me


Wait… Why do you need to blur your name?

Isn’t it… Fweftjfhjs





Forgive me if this seems unwarranted, but I’m beginning to question whether that was actually your rush…


no its because fweft has to ban evade


Lol I was kinda thinking that too, but thought I wouldn’t bring it up until somebody else did :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


npe, games boring with a legendary pet
as for it “not being my rush” i kept it on unlisted and i uploaded it on the same date as he asked…


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