What's the best way to flex in rotmg?


Hello i want to flex in rotmg whats the best way please help


Omg ildudino I love you



  1. Wearing rare whites and ST’s.

  2. Having a lot of valuable items and trading people.

  3. Killing yourself to flex a supporter gravestone.

  4. Having a rare pet skin.

  5. Get all the swapouts and trade people.

  6. Send pictures of your stacked muledump.

  7. Buy a crap ton of keys and keep on chaining like a chad.

I dunno, I myself prefer to not flex and wear actually decent gear and keeping my inventory clean.


I want to become a flex master


I dunno


Your existence is a flex. You can flex on the other 200 million sperm cells that you beat.


Don’t be the 4th most disliked person on the forums.


Here, Let me help you.

(Throwaway storage knight btw) :sunglasses:


You fool, you’ve fell for one of the classic blunders.

[saved for when I post my 8 mseals here]


Who’s the third most disliked person


Are you a flex master?


Me, of course.


Ah, the cat is back, I see.

Just avoid dying for a while and everyone will think you’re good at the game.


Just have a ton of 8/8s. Whenever you log off, make sure all of your characters are equipped with their rarest gear. This way, whenever people search you up on RealmEye (it happens occasionally), they become struck with awe. Just try to lead a lot of people into your RealmEye page casually. This could include your RealmEye link in your profiles or something like: “Hey, here’s my RealmEye if you want to message me”.


Best way to flex is to feed your entire vault full of items (especially event whites) to a pet with no good abilities. Record it and post it here for us to be in awe of your flex



by no means :sunglasses:


Don’t think I saw it mentioned yet - but a level one 8/8 character with all UTs is generally a huge flex just sitting in nexus.


Biggest flex is recording yourself playing RotMG with your toes.