What's the most embarrassing/worst instance of you dying, because you didn't have max def?


I imagine most replies will either be because of the scarab abominations/blue guys in WC, or the pentaract eyes, but other answers are fine too. My ppe wizzy with a decent roll just got destroyed by about ~6 pentaract eyes, glad I didn’t have any real progress on it, aside from a nice plus hp roll.


There is already a embarrassing deaths thread please stop posting shit posts


I was doing a pentaract on this ppe that didn’t have much def, it was a mystic ppe, and it kind of died. It had a pretty good set and it was pretty shameful for me to lose it.

  1. stop being an asshole, I didn’t really know it was there and 2. what the hell? you didn’t even link to the damn thing if you’re gonna criticize me for it, ffs.


(there is a 3rd under the word embarrassing but it has been auto closed)

don’t lable so liberally


So you’re just going to leave this thread open?


Nevov’s the pack mule when it comes to this.

Personally I don’t care “of you dying, because you didn’t have max def?”


What if I made a white bag thread for people who were 0/8?



ill do it then


I died to a bunch of white demons because I didn’t max def… Oh wait


If it’s something Nevov often moves/closes. Why would you make it…

that should have been very obvious to see you shouldn’t do it.


sorry for the fuck-up I guess, I usually visit here to spark flamewars discussions over whether something is balanced, good/appropriate for the difficulty of the dungeon it comes from, etc. etc. ^^’


I’ll take that as the ticket to close.
