What's your favourite class?


I know this is a simple question,but I’d really like to hear other people’s opinion about it. My favourite class is the Necromancer,because with him,you can heal yourself instantly if you are being chased by a group of enemies thanks to necro’s ability,he has high att and dex,and skulls increase max HP,vit and other stats as well.This is purely my opinion,and as I said,I’d be glad to see yours.And if you could,explain why you think you like the class you favour the most.


19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Favorite classes?


I’ve been scammed.

Also there have been plenty enough of these threads


How did that happen??


add a space after the period


Is that microsoft edge? Wtf get your head in the game and use chrome.


no u


edgy is better for rotmg you ding dong




it literally says firefox in the pic

@nevov merge please


Sorry, if its not chrome, then its heck, and all heck looks like heck.


Added (the on-topic) posts onto earlier discussion topic.