When can we trade UT"S Again?


So…I have a RESU sitting in my vault for about 3 years and i am waiting and waiting,and ut"s are not still tradble…All that i want is a cbow




I want cbow xD :confused:


You can trade on rwt sites…

Seriously though, there will never be another UT weekend. (unless you hack the game like swatsec did)

This thread has a 50/50 chance to turn into a flame war about why/why not uts should be soulbound btw


I just want to sell my resu and buy some cbows xD


When I had a cbow I would have bought a resu :frowning:


Resa is shit i want cbow… Cbow is my favorite ut and i never had it


I found covert is a good replacement to cbow, especially with the new update. Try to get into a guild that does ots, cbows are quite common (like 1/20)


They are not i did 264 ot and i didnt get a single cbow… My brother got like 20 :confused:



I wouldnt say never, but dont expect it in the next five years.


That’s if realm is alive for that long.

Why don’t you just ask the devs for a UT weekend? Send them a support ticket.


I wouldsell my resu for an ep but i died on it. Now i would sell gem for a nile


Just use the Resu, you can’t trade UT’s ever again




Go join a guild that does a bunch of OTs




wow thats unlucky…

i’ve done about 60 in total but probably I only got sb in 10 of them